Bora Celik

Jukely Unlimited - Monthly concert membership for $25


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Ryan Hoover
Can't wait until this launches in SF (cc @kellymcgrath). @xBora - How is this so affordable and how do you select which venues/concerts are available?
Bora Celik
@rrhoover We've built concert marketing tech and offer that to venues in return for allocations. The promise of $25 is to bring out the folks who normally don't buy concert tickets. We want to expand the market and venues are excited about that.
Bora Celik
@rrhoover And the second question: We match our members' music tastes with the available shows. If it doesn't pass the match threshold we've established, we don't put them in the app.
Kelly McGrath
@xBora @rrhoover Can't wait. So I've been averaging a concert a week for 2014, does that mean I'm not the current market?
Bora Celik
@kellymcgrath @rrhoover You're totally the current market! Our goal is to increase the number of concert-goers by making it attractive to folks who don't attend as much. Should I be receiving notifications for these comments?
Ryan Hoover
YES! Jukely Unlimited just launched in San Francisco. stwo is performing in a week. Love stwo.
Bora Celik
NYC only for now so NYC folks, courtesy of your product master Ryan Hoover. 10 invite codes: j989d tea12 vb73f u97ec lb9a6 gfef6 g8ade ua7fd s1946 x3657
Wesley Barrow
This is great. I always was hoping for a music equivalent to Moviepass in NYC. Are you planning to do anything special for CMJ coming up?
Bora Celik
@wesleybarrow Thanks! We're doing a few CMJ related things, yes.
George Gayl
This is interesting. Would be interested to see show history for members to help decide whether or not this would be a fit for me.
Bora Celik
@GeorgeGayl Right now you can sign up and see what's in there. You don't have to put your credit card in, until you decide to go to a show.
Ricky Engelberg
Amazing concept. Would love to see this in a place like Portland. I could also see it working just for one venue.
Bora Celik
@rje7 Thanks Ricky. There are venues who do memberships. We think the power of the idea will be realized once you can use your membership in many cities and countries.
Jonathon Triest
i love this... can we bring it to Detroit please!??
Bora Celik
@jtriest Put your hands up for Detroit... Our lovely city. Yes!
Jenni Leder
This is a great idea