Derrick Cai

JotBot - A document assistant that helps you write better, faster

Rather than taking over your writing process, JotBot works alongside you and jumps in when needed. It takes into account your document content and writing style to help ideate, research, draft, and edit - so that you can produce better content, faster.

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Derrick Cai
Hi Product Hunt! Funny enough, my co-founder @declangessel and I are two college students who initially left school to build an AI essay generator. But 100 million+ social media impressions and 450,000 users later, we realized that our most engaged users (and ourselves) weren’t actually using the fully generated essays. Rather, they were pulling ideas and phrases from the generated drafts to include in their own writing. And so we decided to take JotBot into a brand new direction: a document editor that seamlessly integrates AI into your writing process. Instead of generating walls of text in a single go, we’re focused on delivering tailored, interruption-free writing experiences that maintains your writing flow, rather than breaking it. To do so, we give users 3 tools to help craft higher quality writing, faster. ✍️ The Console: A document-aware assistant built into your document that responds with text blocks you can drag or insert with a single click. ✍️ AI Autocomplete: Hit writer’s block? Just type '++' anywhere on your document and JotBot will pick up writing where you left off. ✍️ Jot commands: Use ⌘ + J to give JotBot specific instructions to edit or write directly on your document. Regardless of what it is that you’re writing — essays, blogs, emails, scripts, tweets — We hope JotBot can help you explore ideas you care about. Looking forward to hearing your feedback! Written with JotBot.
Garen Orchyan
Congrats on the launch team, best of luck ❤️🦄
Stephen Hanley
Been using this for a while to summarise lecture notes. Couldn’t recommend it more. It’s the best I’ve used and the developers are super active with responses to feedback and suggestions
Launching soon!
Great product! Congrats on the launch!
Andrew Schmitz
Impressed by the move to pivot, but I really like the new direction you guys are heading, best of luck!
Saarth Shah
This is amazing! Go bears!
Love the new direction that the product is taking! Congrats! 🚀
Rashid Aziz
congrats on the launch! love the new direction
Derrick Cai
@rashidaziz Thanks rashid! Couldn't have done it without your feedback :D
Bonney Ruan
yess inspo for writer’s block is a game changer
niyati raval
Such a cool story and cool product!!
Ghost Kitty
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