Ninh Tran

JobSeer - Making job search easier by optimizing the entire process!


An AI-powered tool that helps job seekers simplify the job search process by narrowing it down to the most relevant jobs using the Smart Search and Match Score Features to give more transparency.

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Ninh Tran
I wanted to help job seekers during these uncertain times. We have been building an AI search tool to detect, highlight, and prioritize the most relevant jobs for you. It accurately finds jobs that match your skills and experiences to reduce the time you spend on your job search. Its smart search filter does not only narrow down your job search, the match score feature also gives you transparency on how well you align with the position. Beta users are welcome during this limited time, try out this free tool today by signing up.
Shijun Cheng
Via this product, the job search of my become simpler and faster. The tool is quite smart that help me save a lot of time in job seeking, also it can make the referral program in many companies. In a word, I succeeded getting a good job by using it.
Asha H
I've just started using the product, and it's faster and more accurate than anything I've used before! My job search is now more personalized than ever! I can finally find positions that are relevant to my experience and background without having to wade through several hundreds of pages on job boards where the filters do more harm than good. I definitely recommend this to others who are facing the same problems as I once did.
Julie V
The idea of transparency is what makes JobSeer unique. Candidates spend hours on end applying to roles that may not necessarily with their skillsets and experiences. JobSeer makes it more convenient and is your best friend. However, I think that some features can be improved such as making the text font bigger. Adding key features such as industry would also be helpful. Something that stood out to me was how the algorithm for generating the names of the recruiter and referral works. It would be helpful if the name of the hiring manager was listed. Aside, preparation is key, and listing common interview questions in the company insight section adds value to the job search.
Hannah Ross
Through the use of this tool, I was able to find positions I was interested in quicker than ever before. I also like the score feature, as it gives me an idea of what positions should be my top priority when applying. However, I would suggest a bit more explanation on why the job would be a good fit for me. I would recommend JobSeer to anyone who is currently looking for a job and those who have experienced time consuming and/or frustrating job searches in the past.