Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby.
Jack Smith
Jekyll 2.0 — Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs.
Nick O'Neill
The one issue I saw with jekyll was the long compile times for larger blogs. Is that no longer the case?
Miles Matthias
For an entire team that knows git, this is the way to go. Our team is composed of non-technical people as well, so blog writing without having to know git was a requirement, thus we made up our own strategy, which is equally as interesting in my opinion:
Alejandro Narváez
Before discovering Jekyll, I was scratching my head figuring out how to manage a website with more than two pages, or learning Wordpress. You can also add a CMS to it. Great tool.
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
I am using it for my github blog/page. +1