Ben Tossell

Javvy - Learn how to code in Java: Whenever, wherever


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Johannes Berger
Thanks so much for posting, @bentossell; it's fantastic to be back on Product Hunt! 😀 Learning a programming language is a challenging task and, especially for non-technical people, it can be a really intimidating one. My friends and I are determined to change that: Javvy walks you from the very basics of Java to more advanced topics of object-oriented programming in a fun and, well, non-intimidating way; whenever and wherever you have a few minutes. We also added an optional chapter on ArnoldC (a hilarious programming language based on one-liners of Arnold Schwarzenegger). Arnold, by the way, was born just a few hours from where we live. If you'd like to know more about how Javvy got made, @hgllnt wrote a little story about it and, going with the flow, he posted it on Medium: Javvy is an advancement of Swifty ( and our concept in so many ways. Give it a try, we'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Thanks a lot, Product Hunters!
Harsha Halvi
@triplejberger I am sure a Webapp too would be great.! :)
@h_halvi i do agree with you but they already have a clever little widget to try it out..
Johannes Berger
@ambonium Currently, we are focusing on mobile. We believe that our teaching method works best on smartphones and tablets. We have plans to conquer more platforms in the future! 🚩
tom meagher
Javvy (and the aforementioned Swifty) are super cool from an UX perspective – they do a great job teaching on mobile. It's fun, informative, and cutely illustrated! @triplejberger what's up next for you folks? What's your vision for learning on mobile?
Johannes Berger
@thomasmeagher Thanks! 😀 In the short term, we'll probably stick with programming languages but our vision is to go way beyond that. We think that phones are a powerful platform to learn stuff whenever and wherever you feel like it .. problably anything and everything! We decided to build a second standalone app for Java, but if things go well, we might come up with an all-in-one solution.
Paul Shapiro
Wish there was a web app, but this is exactly what I needed!
Henry Ameseder
@fighto We're glad you find Javvy useful. 😊 Thanks for the web app suggestion, we'll give it some more thought!
M Snyder
Just downloaded and I'm really impressed with how you chose to use mobile interaction, picking code snippets instead of writing out the code. Even the pricing screen is nice and clear, great job guys!
Henry Ameseder
@msny_36 Thanks so much! It's great to hear that you like of Javvy's purchase view! Some of our users got a little confused about how to purchase stuff in Swifty and we were determined to avoid that in Javvy.
Shlok Vaidya
Pretty cool to see the number of apps that try to weave learning languages (from Java to Urdu) into your day with this approach. You can just kind of do this waiting in line or whatever and get back to it later. Doesn't have to be/maybe even isn't designed to be the full subject of your concentration. Would be interesting to see if there were any cognitive research on this method of learning.
Henry Ameseder
@shloky Exactly! Javvy should work whenever and wherever you have a few minutes of time. And yes, a scientific view on this would be very interesting!
Konrad Caban
Guys, why the "try here" circle is not clickable? I'm pretty sure if you used some heat map, you'd see that many users click on it.
Johannes Berger
@konradcaban Thanks for your feedback! The circle is not a button. You should just enter something in the text field and click the "Run" button. We will change it!
Konrad Caban
@triplejberger I learned that, after a while. :) What about removing the circle and highlighting the editable field to catch the eye?
Huge fan. Love how you are bridging the mobility gap that exists when learning a new programming language. As time is always withering away, I find it refreshing that I can learn in bursts. I truly believe this is the future of education. Looking forward to seeing this one take off and future products. GREAT WORK!
Henry Ameseder
@alanaut24 Thanks so much, Alan! We, too, think that learning will increasingly happen outside homes and offices. We're determined to stay! 😊
@Anna Shamkova
Why it's not available on iOS? Link doesn't work :( Fix it please...