I am so happy to be sharing Iterate with the PH community today - a new survey tool that I have been using for the past few months. Iterate was built by my two good friends Mike Singleton and Matt Healy that I know from working together for almost my entire 6 years at Foursquare. As two of the most talented developers/designers/product people out there, they decided to embark on bootstrapping their own Company and today are launching Iterate to the world.
It is incredible to see friends decide to join forces to create a company, begin building a product, help them test the alpha, and now announce here a fully baked survey product.
So what is Iterate? For me, it’s been the best way to quickly get feedback all in one place through easy to use surveys I send via email (automagically through Iterate!) and via links I share.
With so many other tools out there the obvious question is why is this better? Having wrestled with poorly designed mobile survey pages (most people open on phones), trying to tabulate data in spreadsheets and collaborative worksheets, and trying to decipher open text feedback - I gave up. Until Iterate (seriously).
Iterate provides a smooth wizard to get a survey up and running and collect actionable feedback you can actually share and use to improve what you are doing. I also LOVE the fact that you can ask someone a quick emoji question via email to get them into the survey - some of the best open rates and completion rates I have ever seen.
Ask Mike and Matt anything!
Thanks Eric!
Hi Product Hunters, I’m Mike, one of Iterate’s cofounders, and I’d love to hear your feedback and answer any questions you have.
Iterate is a modern survey tool designed to help technology companies build better products and make better decisions. @lankybutmacho and I were early, long-time employees at Foursquare, and we learned through experience that hearing directly from users led to huge changes on how we thought about the product. We saw time and time again that qualitative feedback is just as critical as quantitative metrics; it should be collected and monitored constantly.
We’re building Iterate to help other people get that kind of valuable, ongoing feedback. It’s the result of hundreds of conversations with product managers, designers, researchers and founders who all want to hear more from users but don’t have the tools to do it effectively.
We’d love to have you give Iterate a spin, and let us know what you think.
@msingleton@lankybutmacho Wow, this is really cool! The thing most new products need is feedback and Iterate seems to be a very good way of collecting that. Really looking forward to seeing where this goes!
@msingleton@lankybutmacho Thanks for the hard work! I loved its landing page + feature lists and the live demo at the bottom. I'll definitely try this out for sure! :)
Nice work, guys! I love this. I'm curious - given your experience, what questions have gotten you the answers that you would say have most driven your product decisions?
@ajm5338 Great question, the kind of questions that are most effective depend heavily on what stage your product is in. We have survey templates for several different use cases along that spectrum. One of my favorite questions that's broadly applicable is what I think of as the product-market fit question: "How would you feel if you could no longer use this product?" It's a good high-level measure of how close to the target your product is. Following that up with freeform questions about what's working well and what's not working often yields interesting responses.
@ecwilson@lankybutmacho Great question - delighted is exclusively for NPS surveys. We let you create surveys of any kind, choosing from different questions types like freeform, multi select, ranking, rating, emoji, and more. NPS is just one of the questions and template we provide to make it easy to get started.
@ecwilson@lankybutmacho@msingleton the UI looks similar because it's a standard way of serving and displaying responses for NPS. Lots of NPS apps use a similar design and it works well!
Just created an account and set up a survey. Love it! Great example surveys to start out with, super simple to set up. Mixpanel integration ++. Will let you know how it goes surveying beta testers of our new app!
Iterate has been invaluable for us while doing research and talking to our customers. Product is so slick and kills it. Love how easy it is for people to submit their feedback on mobile and desktop. Well done!
This is awesome. Best part to me is the template/suggested surveys, i.e., helping me figure out WHAT to ask and WHO to ask. Definitely going to be trying this out!
Looking good! Just one question: I have been getting my user feedback with typeform for a while now and don't see why I should pay three times the fee for Iterate. Can somebody enlighten me?
@mark_jaeger Thanks Mark! We have a free tier if that works for your scale, however one big difference is we can send the surveys on your behalf via email (which does have real costs) where as surveys from Typeform you're responsible for sending those emails out on your own, usually with another tool like MailChimp, etc. Pro also comes with features like Mixpanel integration, API access, scheduling, notifications, etc. Happy to give you the full pitch if you've got any interest! Just email me mike@iteratehq.com
Hey @msingleton and @lankybutmacho, looks like a super useful product. Will share with my team.
Quick question, why only email as a sharing option? I could see your tool integrated in-app and tied up with actions so it's sent at the right time.
@hfauq In-app surveys are definitely on our short-term roadmap. We launched with email surveys first because of the ease of integration, but agreed that action-based triggers + in-app surveys will be a powerful combo.
@roberthopman Yes! We currently have templates for several different use cases, including lapsed user surveys, feature feedback, beta test feedback, etc. We definitely want to keep expanding on these, let us know if there's anything you'd find particularly helpful.
Love the aesthetic and the super simple proposition. Well done guys!
What I'd love to see is perhaps a "pay-as-you-grow" plan. Bit hesitant to make the leap knowing I'd have to move from 10 surveys to unlimited at $99/m.
Will definitely give this a shot!
@yoavanaki pricing is definitely something we'll be constantly assessing (iterating?), definitely try the free tier and shoot me an email: mike@iteratehq.com. We don't want the 10 cap to be a deal-breaker for anyone excited to try it out.
Looks great guys, nice work! Just a thought - you might consider changing 'Winnie' and the Winnie avatar to something that doesn't look and feel like a person to reduce any confusion. Currently, it looks a bit like the user is giving feedback about Winnie the person.
While I understand the financial incentive to have only monthly pricing models, with survey software/services, there is a definite need for one-off pricing. I know this is extremely anecdotal, but I'd happily pay $99 for a single, large/multi-tiered survey, but I won't pay it monthly. I need surveys from time to time, not unlimited surveys with unlimited respondents on a monthly basis. Overkill, even if the "solution" is "well, just cancel it after a month then" it just doesn't give me a lot of confidence.
Again, I completely understand why you're not doing this, and that you and every other survey supply company out there seem dead set on monthly pricing, but the model just doesn't fit the product ... for me. :)
Congratulations on launching, @lankybutmacho and @msingleton! One of the features I've really enjoyed during the beta is the Mixpanel integration. Each survey on Iterate has a webhook that you can hit from Mixpanel, so you can easily setup behavior triggered surveys. Super helpful for companies I've worked with that are starting to have some growth but still want a lot of qualitative feedback.