It's Centred That
Test your design skills & judge if the dots are centered
Robleh Jama

It's Centered That — A designer's eye game

Do you think you’ve got a designer’s eye?
Test your skills and judge whether the dots are really in the middle of the shapes.
Agnes Kiss
annoying when you are 1 measly pixel off. There is also no buildup, it is a matter of luck how hard a challenge you get.
Love it! I wanna keep playing, so it will be better to upgrade somehow? I mean not only 10scores.
Keenan Milligan
I've enjoyed this for awhile now, would be great if they added keyboard shortcuts (left/right).
Matias Baldanza
What technology stack did you use to make this?
Julie Chabin
I wonder what's the best score there!
Robleh Jama
I need to get my design eyes checked!
I got 10 out of 10. Where's my reward? Kidding, nice game
Gercek Armagan
This is lovely!
Jessica williams
Not a bad distraction for the kids, either!
Agarwal Shubham
It took me almost 20 attempts to get 10/10
Nazar Atamaniuk
Looks funny!
Sneh Choudhary
I got 6 right. Not bad!