Docxy - Build fast & beautiful documentation websites with markdown.

Docxy is a React based documentation site generator. You can build beautiful, blazing fast documentation sites for your projects only using markdown files. You can easily get started with Docxy within minutes.

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Docxy is a React based documentation site generator. You can build beautiful, blazing fast documentation sites for your projects only using markdown files. You can easily get started with Docxy within minutes. Feature Highlight: - Easy to set up - Generate website from Markdown files - No need to write a single line of code - Customizable branding - Built with React - Generates a static bundle - Can be deployed anywhere - Preview changes in real time - Dynamic dark & light modes - Offline support - Blazing-fast - Local search support If you've any feedback, feel free to let me know.
Benedikt Matern
Was looking for a product like this for so long! Looking great. Only thing to mention I found some padding issues on Safari (iOS & MacOS) – the site looks pretty broken within these browsers. Not happening on other ones (Chrome). Would be great if you can have a look and fix these bugs. Honestly the only thing stopping me from using it right now. :)
@benedikt_matern I'll take a look at what's happening with Safari and fix it ASAP. Thanks for the feedback!
Vlad Korobov
pretty cool, it would be nice to have some video tutorials and multiple examples of documentation generated
@vlad_korobov Sure, I'll make a video for it and add it to the site soon.
Anne van Rossum
Trying it out. It immediately builds. It looks great (I would still recommend a dark/light mode toggle than deciding it just on OS settings). What I think would be a great benefit of using React is "customizable" or "dynamic" documentation. For example at you can log in and it will auto-fill in your API keys, etc. I've never seen anything that does something like that out of the box. However, it will require to go beyond static. I understand every documentation generator developer would consider it out of scope...