When you (co-)run a business, you face many obstacles as well as wins.
It feels different when you have a certain position in your company.
What is your state in business and what pros and cons go hand in hand with your entrepreneurial role?
I have a full time gig. So going solo on these side quests. The downside is that progress and momentum can be inconsistent, but upside is that I have 100% agency and can pursue any curiosities.
@busmark_w_nika am blessed to have a wife, daughter, close fam, and two dogs... so am lucky to experience few moments of true loneliness. that said, i do work from home, which can feel isolating. so, i try to be intentional about reaching out to and meeting up with friends in person to recharge my social batteries!
There are 6 of us on the team ) ) ) ) ) )
What benefits do I see?
- Shared and at the same time proportional responsibility for financial and operational risks
- Access to more financial and human resources.
- Combination of different expertise and experience.
- Expanding contacts and opportunities through partners.
- Partners can provide moral support and help overcome difficulties.
- A good resource of motivation for each other.
-Disputes and differences of opinion may arise that can affect the business, but at such moments it is important to keep the focus on the company's goals, which should not only be written down but also the route to achieve them. At the same time, each idea is conditionally checked against the master plan, and if the one who proposes to implement something does not agree with the opinion of others (even the majority) and is ready to take responsibility, the price of the issue does not contradict the maximum error threshold, then other owners should trust and give the activist a chance to try.
In general, this is a topic for more than one post.
Creating rules of the game that are written, agreed upon, and in line with the values of the company and the owners themselves is also a great help.
I have experience in partnerships as a co-owner 4 times and I will say that it gets easier every time)
I’m solo right now, and while I love the creative freedom, the biggest con is definitely the isolation. It’s all on me, which is empowering, but sometimes I wish I had a partner to share the highs and lows.