Abhilaash Jaishankar

Tips for a newbie Product Hunt hunter

Hey everyone. I just joined Product Hunt a few days ago for my product launch. It was a completely different experience than any of my previous campaigns. I learned that instead of reaching out to potential users of the product, I should have reached out to other Product Hunters. Since many of my users did not have a PH account. I'd appreciate it if you could share what worked for you in your launch. Thanks for your responses.

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Milli Sussen
I recommend sharing progress updates during your journey. It keeps people engaged
Abhilaash Jaishankar
@milli_sussen Understood. This is a great idea. Thank you for this.
Monty Parin
Try to build a community around your product here.
Denis 🐝
@monty_parin how would you do that?
Monty Parin
@denisss Take part into forum discussions. Talk about stuff related to your product.
Abhilaash Jaishankar
@monty_parin Understood. Which forum do people usually use to talk about the product here? Sorry, I am not very familiar with how PH works.
Hey Abhilaash, welcome to the community. As @elenat said, try to be more active here and create a community around you (to be distinctive). Support other people, many of them will be thankful and do the same :)
Abhilaash Jaishankar
@busmark_w_nika Understood. I will definitely try out products that are useful to me and support any product that comes my way. Thank you!
Elena Tsemirava
First, boost your account: the more it's boosted, the more 'weight' your personal upvote has. Second, hunters don't guarantee that you'll be in the top. You can do well even without a hunter, and vice versa. So, make sure to check their profiles carefully.
Abhilaash Jaishankar
@elenat Understood. How do I boost my account?
Won Park
Hello @abhilaash Join the Product Hunt community. If you are active in many community places, you can quickly increase product awareness.
Abhilaash Jaishankar
@won_park Hello Won. Understood. Thank You.
Dan Schlung
Launching soon!

Hey, @abhilaash I joined this morning and have a lot of the same questions you asked here, so I was really happy to see this post. I'm curious if you've discovered any more answers about how to build a community and "boost your account" on here to support your product before launch. What is and isn't working for you? Did you find particular forums that were especially helpful? I'd love to help out in supporting you, if there is anything i can do.