Eric Willis

Interviewed - A growing database of podcast interviews about startups


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Mubashar Iqbal
Hello everyone, maker here. So happy to see Interviewed listed here. Happy to answer any questions you might have.
Eric Willis
Over 600 podcasts and growing- this is an excellent list of interviews.
Josh Pigford
This is great! Totally forgot about all the podcasts I've done. I talk too much.
Mubashar Iqbal
@Shpigford Thanks! Please talk some more. Love hearing you talk about startups and your experience with BareMetrics.
I tried to register on the site but it's disabled for now. Looks great by the way. I'd love to be able to receive alerts when a new podcast is published. Congrats!
Mubashar Iqbal
@pedrogastal Thanks for visiting. Yes I've disabled public registration until while I work out some internal issues. Following/alerting is very high on the roadmap for features, and coming soon.
Gabe Eldred
Awesome idea and coming at the perfect time! It's probably on the roadmap already, but I'd love to see continuous scroll on the People and Podcasts pages :)
Tiffany Zhong
Would be great if this became an app :)
Mubashar Iqbal
@tzhongg Working on user signup, following people, notifications, etc. Then comes the iOS app! :)
Mubashar Iqbal
Thanks for the suggestion. Technically its pretty easy to add, but I know some people have a dislike for the continuous scroll, so I'll put the feelers out and see what the users think.
Vivek M George
@mubashariqbal great idea! I'm constantly listening to the Stanford podcasts! I can't wait to dig into this. FYI, on my end the podcast images are not loading. Good luck!
Mubashar Iqbal
@VivekMGeorge Thanks. I'll checkout the images, but they actually come from Twitter and iTunes (not from the website).
Nice. This would really great if there were tags for various topics. As is, I have no idea what to look for, it's just a sea of names with no context.
Mubashar Iqbal
@alain94040 For the MVP the idea was that you heard someone on a podcast, and went looking for more interviews by that person. But I agree topics are a good idea now that the database is bigger than I planned to launch with.