Frank Hald

Group alerts by interestinsights - Keyword alerts for Facebook groups

Turn groups into customer, with keyword alerts for Facebook groups, by recommending your product to Facebook users who are asking for assistance. Get a notification whenever your keywords are mentioned in a Facebook group.

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Frank Hald
Hi everyone ✌️ I have been working on Group alerts for the past few months, and have now reached a point where I’m ready for others to test it. I like Facebook groups and the communities, but my feed is bloated with posts I wish I had never seen. I subscribe to a few newsletters that specializes in sending content specifically to my interests. I wondered if I could get Facebook to do the same for me, and came about Facebooks “Keyword Alerts” as a Groups feature. It was just what I was looking for. Then it turns out, this feature is only available to group admins, while I wanted it for the groups I was a member of. I researched how this could be achieved without voilating Facebooks policies, and developed my own solution, which Facebook approved. Group alerts lets you track keywords in Facebook groups and sends you an alert when your keywords are mentioned. It can be used to find new customers asking for help in your field of expertise. Most are members of a ton of Facebook groups and it takes all day to search for leads in all these groups. You can spend less time on Facebook and more time being productive, while interestinsights finds the relevant posts for you. How it works: 1. interestinsights’ app needs to be added to the Facebook group. 1a. Follow this guide if you are the admin of the group or sent it to the admin 1b. Optional: Get notified once the group has been added, through our application. 2. Create an alert for the group with 20 keywords and an interval of how often you want to receive notifications. 3. Done. You will receive an email notification when we have found a post matching your keywords. Features include: ✔ Get alerts from 40 groups ✔ 20 keywords per group ✔ Get notified hourly, daily or weekly ✔ Overview of all notifications ✔ Connect with new customers ✔ interestinsights test group on Facebook We have a group on Facebook where the app is added, that you can join and test the group alerts. We are currently in beta, and during this time it’s free for you, and we would love to hear your feedback! Have a great day, Frank