Sam Houston

Insurgency - Close quarters combat FPS with a focus on realism


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Sam Houston
Insurgency was originally a Half-Life 2 mod in 2007, but the dev team recently got back together and created a stand-alone release that debuted in January 2014. The game focuses on a more "hardcore" ruleset, where players die from only one or a few shots. Each player can customize their kits, using a point system and menu setup that is somewhat similar to Counterstrike. The maps vary from somewhat large maps that can favor snipers, to close quarters maps that favor a quick trigger finger. This is a very fun game and definitely worth the money!
Tyler Hayes
@samhouston Nice. Sounds like you've played it quite a bit. Is it good for LANs?
Sam Houston
@thetylerhayes I've never played it on a LAN but the game uses the Source Engine's services/server model, so I bet you could run a local server of the game and have no problems. So if you have a group of folks that like a more "realistic" FPS that relies on team game play, then I think you will enjoy this game. Most modes require you to wait until a new spawn timer or objective is captured to let you you end up waiting for 30 secs - a couple minutes after dying. That's probably not cool with a lot of people, so you'll need a patient group.
Tyler Hayes
@samhouston Ah, yeah. That was always the fundamental argument against CS when games like Urban Terror started becoming more popular. Thanks!
Annand Virk
Not enough upvotes for this game. It's one of my favorites on Steam. I've put close to 300 hours into this.
Sam Houston
@annandvirk Yeah I've put about 180~ hrs in just the past 5 months. Super fun game :)