Insurgency was originally a Half-Life 2 mod in 2007, but the dev team recently got back together and created a stand-alone release that debuted in January 2014.
The game focuses on a more "hardcore" ruleset, where players die from only one or a few shots. Each player can customize their kits, using a point system and menu setup that is somewhat similar to Counterstrike. The maps vary from somewhat large maps that can favor snipers, to close quarters maps that favor a quick trigger finger.
This is a very fun game and definitely worth the money!
@thetylerhayes I've never played it on a LAN but the game uses the Source Engine's services/server model, so I bet you could run a local server of the game and have no problems.
So if you have a group of folks that like a more "realistic" FPS that relies on team game play, then I think you will enjoy this game.
Most modes require you to wait until a new spawn timer or objective is captured to let you you end up waiting for 30 secs - a couple minutes after dying. That's probably not cool with a lot of people, so you'll need a patient group.
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