➡️ Analyze your data 10x faster
➡️ Find insights others won’t
➡️ See why people engage with your content
➡️ Schedule content for the entire month
➡️ Connect Multiple LinkedIn Accounts to work with your Team, Clients, or Agency
Hunters 👋
Couldn’t be more stoked to announce a refresh of Inlytics.
Analytics on LinkedIn have improved, but it still seems painful and expensive to see content and profile metrics in one combined view.
It's painful to not be able to see how all of your content and profile is performing in a combined view.
Inlytics is an attempt to simplify how you evaluate your content strategy on LinkedIn:
✨ Visualise your content distribution across demographics (understand your audience)
✨ Compare your content pieces (understand what works)
✨ Schedule posts (introduce consistency & discipline)
✨ Download as CSV
✨ Manage multiple profiles
We have a free tier to get you started 💪 Building a personal brand on LinkedIn is hard… we want analyzing the data to be easy 🚀
And without having to purchase LinkedIn Premium 🙈
Much ❤️
@danny_chu1 I was hooked on it late last year, when I was more active on LinkedIn than on Twitter. I have to say, it's incredibly useful. Congrats on the launch, Danny!
Congratulations on the launch of Inlytics 2.0! The content scheduling feature is particularly exciting. How far in advance can we schedule content with this tool?
The handiest thing ever for monitoring personal profile analytics on LinkedIn. (LinkedIn's native analytics are weird even for company pages, and not to mention the total lack of visibility into personal profiles - esp if you're managing them for clients.) Inlytics works like a charm!
Really loving the new design. Been an Inlytics users for a couple of years now. I especially like the fact I have bring the rest of my team and view multiple accounts. Great job team!!!!
I use it for my clients, which is essential for providing the information they seek. I can't get the information Inlytics provides in such an easy way anywhere.