Create your own high-quality celebrity deepfakes in minutes
Kevin William David
Impressions App — Your videos with hyper realistic celebrity face swaps
Use Impressions to create hyper-realistic face swaps and insert celebrity faces into any video or image you create. Make fan films, show off your impersonation skills, recreate classic scenes, create new memes, and share them with your friends and family.
Sarp Erdag
Amazing work and great app!
Ari Bencuya
@sarperdag Thanks for your support!
Ahmet Aygun
I've just watched the videos on your YouTube channel and just wow 🚀
Demircan Celebi
Very impressive and very fun to use, thank you for building this and congrats on the launch
Murat Deligoz
@demircancelebi appreciate it.
Murat Deligoz
Hello again Product Hunters 👋 I'm Murat, one of the founders and CEO of Impressions. Thanks to @kevin for hunting Impressions for a second time. In March of 2020, we launched our first version of Impressions. At the time we had only 20 faces in the application but thanks to the product hunt community we were able to grow. We've had over 1 million downloads to our iOS application since then. We've used this time to perfect our technology and take the community's changes to heart. There are more than 600 celebrities for you to swap and not all celebrities will have the same face type as you, so results may vary. Make sure you try a few faces to see what works best on you. For best results, make sure you take videos/images with great lighting, take off your glasses, keep hair and objects away from your face, and if you really are a hardcore impressionist, shave your beard! :) Today we come to you with our new and improved Android application. Not only do we have over 600 celebrities in the application, but we've also made video creation 10x faster and added image support so users can create content more easily. Our original version for iOS is available in the Apple AppStore and we're working on updating it to catch up with Android. We should have that out soon! A special shout-out and thanks to all of our top users, influencers, and supporters who have helped us on our journey! The feedback they've provided has helped us improve and grow constantly. If there is anything you would like to let us know, we're always open to suggestions! Feel free to reach out via comments below, Twitter DMs, and in-app support. All feedback helps, so positive or negative don't be shy. Final thanks to: Matthew Hawkins for the fantastic video Nimet Uzunsoy Kurt for the awesome design
Rama Veeraragoo
Awesome! And video is cool too 😂
Murat Deligoz
@esqrama Thank you!
Gorkem Cetin
Loving the promo video. It looks a lot more real than any other I've seen lately. Wow!
Murat Deligoz
@gorkemcetin thank you!
Michele J Martin
Bravo...great product @datcrack and team!! Heard about you through some of my contacts at FFL. Love it!
Ugur KILCI 😈
It has been an impressive application. Congrats. 👏
Ari Bencuya
@ugur2nd Glad you like it!
Congrats on the launch! Amazing product, cant wait to use it!!
Tuğçe Içözü
Wow! it's amazing! Congrats @datcrack @thebencuya @emrahgunduz
Ari Bencuya
@tugce_icozu Thanks glad you like it!
Ahmet Kırtok
love it 🙏
Ari Bencuya
@ahmetkirtok Thanks!
Yucel F. Sahan
Great promo video 👏🏻 I can’t wait to try it on Borat 😅 It’s awesome to witness tech has come this far! Congratulations on the launch team 👏🏻
Ari Bencuya
@yucelfaruksahan Yea We're lucky to have such talented users :)
Joseph Wong
Great quality.
Furkan Gul
Awesome. I love it!
Ari Bencuya
@furkan_gul We're blow away by what people create too! I love images! Helps a no talent like me make fun content
Ozan Sonmez
this is crazy good, my daughter loved the IOS version and had so much fun during the pandemic sharing funny stories with her friends, this is also a very family friendly app which is not easy to say for apps in general. Have fun with it.
Murat Deligoz
@ozan_sonmez1 appreciate that.
Arda Helvacılar
@datcrack app is working great and I loved it. Keep up the good work and I wish you great luck for today!
Misbah Syed
Awesome stuff! Is there an API for developers to call for face swap in their applications?
The idea is cool , but dont you think you might need Celebs permission for this?
A. Kıvanç Tanrıkulu
Ari Bencuya
@kivancco Thanks Kivanc, Glad you like it!