
iMazing HEIC Converter - Convert HEIC to JPG with iMazing HEIC Converter (Free!)


A tiny and free desktop app which lets you convert Apple’s new iOS 11 HEIC photos to JPEG or PNG. Drag and drop files or folders to iMazing HEIC Converter and click Convert, that’s it!

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Gregorio Zanon
Hey guys, I'm Greg from DigiDNA, devs behind this little freebie. Just wanted to clarify some use case for this tool. By default, if you stick with Apple's ecosystem, your iPhone 7 or above HEIC pictures will be converted on the fly if needed. But if you pull those raw HEIC files from your phone directly, you'll find that only macOS High Sierra supports them - as of today, even Photoshop doesn't yet parse Apple's flavour of HEIF. For those cases. our little converter will help - no need to upload your files to a website, keep your photos private and convert as many as you want, for free. Last but not least, the Windows version is nearly ready, it's a matter of days not weeks!