Icons, illustrations, photos, music & design tools
Ivan Braun

Illustration Generator by Icons8 — First AI image generator made by professional artists

Generate series of consistent illustrations in unique art styles. No worries about legal and ethical concerns related to AI art usage. The model is trained on styles drawn by Icons8 illustrators, so you're free to use them commercially.
Ivan Braun
Hey hunters! Meet the first and only AI image generator made by professional artists. You’d say artists can’t do AI. That’s right. Unless they get covered by ML engineers. At Icons8, we have both. With our Illustration Generator, we integrate art and technology. How is this possible? 1. We created unique art styles and drew huge packs of illustrations Over the years, we’ve created 200+ art styles and 100,000+ illustrations. While we still draw hundreds of new illustrations weekly, we can’t cover all people’s needs. That's where AI steps in to assist. 2. We made datasets of our illustrations Unlike other generative platforms, we do not scrape the Internet for images. Instead, we used our proprietary data for training. 3. We trained AI to generate illustrations matching our art styles For now, we trained 5 AI models to generate consistent illustrations that perfectly fit the chosen style. And there are more to come! Give Illustration Generator a try and get images that are: 🎨 Visually consistent 😍 Look catchy ✅ Legally sourced 💰 Ready to use commercially Create custom illustrations that look as if you've hired a professional illustrator.
Julia Yu
@visualpharm sounds like smth that I am waiting for a long time 💜
Ivan Braun
@juliayugo Thank you! ❤️
Amit Arora
@visualpharm it sounds like I live in some future world 🌎. This will be super helpful Ivan. Kudos to you and @ikalimullin @imlindsay @andrewlevada @paul_malaj @eniwito @vvmatovic @niketana @vadim_bida @al_sku @luba_zee @julia_sa @dmitrynewman for the Launch :)
Ivan Braun
@wowwowlubov Thank you! Exactly, narrower focus, but more applicable in design. I started as a designer, and I know how it feels when you need illustrations but can't draw. Farewell to those dark times.
Ivan Braun
@nastassia_k Thanks! ❤️
Konrad S.
💡 Bright idea
Great idea to bring artists and AI engineers together! Looking forward to further styles! (Maybe realistic, sci-fi?)
Ivan Braun
@konrad_sx Sci-fi is something to think about! As for the realistic, you made me thinking. It sounds more like a photo generator like https://generated.photos/human-g... and Midjourney and Co. And Illustration Generator is focused on illustrations. Would you mind sharing what you mean by realistic?
Konrad S.
@visualpharm With realistic, I meant something like your Haze style, just in full color. I.e., not like a photo, but like a very detailed and realistic colored drawing. BTW, just tried Haze again, and it's REALLY beautiful!
Ivan Braun
@konrad_sx Aha, got it! We don't have Haze in color, but maybe something like this https://icons8.com/illustrations... or this https://icons8.com/illustrations... ? Enough details and realism?
Kate Ramakaieva
Wow, looks so neat! Congrats, team 🥳 did you create all the banners for your launch using Icons8 as well?
@kate_ramakaieva Thank you! Of course, we did🤩
Alex Dulub
Hey Ivan, This is an exciting blend of creativity and technology! I'm looking forward to seeing how the Illustration Generator can help fill the gaps in graphic needs with a professional touch. The focus on visual consistency and legal sourcing is a breath of fresh air in the world of AI-generated content. Curious to know, are there any particular illustration styles that have been most popular among your early users? Keep up the great work!
Ivan Braun
@alex_dulub Thanks for your support, Alex! The illustration styles we added in Illustration Generator were most popular among our users, 3D especially. As for Illustration Generator stats, it's too early to say, but 3D is in demand there, too.
Jim Engine
Wow, at a technical standpoint, how long did you guys train your models for these nice results? @visualpharm Btw I love the power of artist and ML engineers - the results are so nice
Ivan Braun
@jim_engine The trial-and-error process took about 6 months, and that's for the ML part alone. Drawing all the illustrations took years.
Julia Yu
WOW I really waiting for it. I hope it solves my problem: AI generates 1 good picture but can't keep this style for others. Good luck with your launch, hope you win today 🔥🚀
Ilnur Kalimullin
@juliayugo, thank you for your support! We hope the Illustration Generator solves your issues with inconsistent images 🙂
Abzal Assembekov
Congrats on the launch🚀 Looks very useful for solo makers, I wonder how fast is it with illustration generation? does it requires someone from your team to edit it to make it perfect?
Luba Zee
@abzal_assembekov It depends on what you generate. We did many tests, and most generated images came out great. But if you request something exquisite (something that Illustration Generator has less knowledge about), it may need editing.
Benjamin Sloutsky
I love to use icons8 for my projects. Seeing this integrated with AI is very exciting! Congrats on the launch.
Trent Kennelly
Holy SH** I cannot tell you how many times and way I've tried to get Midjourney to do EXACTLY THIS. Amazing solution, I'm an instant fan 🙌🙌🙌
Ivan Braun
@trent_kennelly Thank you! I used Midjourney myself, and yes, EXACTLY THIS was a real pain in my butt, too.
Julia Summers
Congratulations on the release, great job! Now, you can generate high quality, professional illustrations in a consistent style. Note that drafts come first, and you need to press the Finalize button (like the Upscale feature in Midjourney) to get the ultra-sharp, ready-to-use image. Here is my collection of black cats in different styles: Cat and dog in one style:
Luba Zee
@julia_sa Wow! Such detailed feedback and a guide from one of our first users! Thanks! ❤️ And special thanks from a cat lover 😺
Laree Casper
Give me a free subscription, and I'll give you an upvote (joking...or not😏) Of course, I'm joking. I really love your tool, guys!
Luba Zee
@lareecasp Haha, thanks! Can't do free (AI stuff is expensive). But here is 25% off for you with promo code PHFRIEND25
René N
This looks cool.! So many times i have been making presentations in canva, only to end up with different "characters" because i couldn't find one that had more expressions like i needed 😅
Ilnur Kalimullin
@rene_nielsen_dk, thank you! You can now create the illustrations you need in just two clicks 👐
This is great! I’ve use icons8 for many projects… always great quality and a fairly priced. Can’t wait to use this in my web design.
Lindsay Davis
@luca3927 Thank you so much! We're glad to hear you've had good experiences with Icons8. We hope our Illustration Generator will be just as helpful for your web design projects❤️
Anna Shershen
Consistent, legally sourced, AND copyright-free? I'm here for it! Congrats on the launch! 🎉 Definitely gonna check it out.
Luba Zee
@anna_yalo Yes, it is! Thanks a lot 🙏
Joining the cat-lovers society with "a cat swimming in the pool in a doughnut"
Luba Zee
@valda_bay Awww, meow! This one is adorable 💚
Prince Mathew
We've been using icons8 at our company for a few months now. Excited about the new launch and can't wait to get our hands dirty with this new addition. Congrats on the launch!
Ilnur Kalimullin
@marhewprince95, thank you for your support! We'd be very grateful if you share your results with us in the future 🙂
Kseniia Serebrennikova
This is brilliant! I now have a husky on a skateboard in two of my favorite styles from Ouch
Luba Zee
@kseniia_serebrennikova Congrats! You're a professional artist now! 😄
Himanil Gole
Woah, I have been using Icons8 for illustrations but always used to get stuck by the limited library. Now I can create what I am exactly looking for! Great work!!
Stas Kulesh
Great work @visualpharm Always shipping the good stuff.
Liam Gordon
Nice idea to include & promote the artists in AI image generation. I personally struggle with MidJourneys' cref param preserving characters. Is this essentially the same feature or what does it do differently?