Iconjar is definitely one of the most valuable and time-saving apps in a designer's workflow. Also, the team offers great support and they are open for feature requests. If you haven't already, you should try Iconjar!
Really nice, I always have a hard time finding the right icon. Quick question: are the icons moved somewhere or do I need to keep them where they are for the app or work?
@raulriera Good question! Iconjar has its own database which means you can "safely" remove the original files. I wrote "safely" because Iconjar is, in theory, still a beta so I'd keep the original files just in case :)
@robertkeus We recently added the ability to import icon fonts. And to streamline that even more in the future we're going to allow people to map icon fonts in order to get proper labels for each icon.
Saw Iconjar when @MengTotweeted about it.
Before all my icons were trapped in different folders, but now I am finally able to organize my icons logically!
@daveyheuser even if you don't make any changes, I'll still be a happy camper.
Here are some thoughts though:
* opening icons from Iconjar in Sketch, Illustrator, etc.
* show a larger preview of selected icon in the far right pane (under the naming controls)
* you could also promote icons sets in the app (in-app purchases FTW)
* selecting icons and submitting them as freebies
Check out The Noun Project's Mac app for some ideas too!
@thomasmeagher Thanks for taking the time to write down some ideas! The larger preview is on our to-do list actually. We originally wanted to use Quicklook but it didn't perform very nice so we're going to come up with something custom
IconJar is a great Application, was waiting for something like this for so long!
We just finished packaging all of www.roundicons.com 8500 icons in Jars and getting ready to deploy this update for our users, Thank you IconJar team!
I love what they're doing with this, but since most icon sets are published as SVG these days, Iconjar must compete with the free-but-capable SVGsus: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
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