Ryan Hoover

Hyper for Apple TV - A video magazine for Apple TV, 100% human curated

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Ryan Hoover
Mic, the Millennial-focused publication, acquired Hyper recently. Here's their first product launch within the new company. @markusgilles - Apple TV still feels very nascent and of course, the consumption experience is much different than mobile (e.g. iPhone or iPad). I'm curious to learn more about your design process building Hyper.
Jonas Brandau
Hi guys, Jonas – Head of Product & Design at Hyper. @rrhoover Yes! Designing for the big screen is totally different, but super interesting. Especially on Apple TV with it’s swipe based remote. We wanted to challenge ourselves and not go with standard tvOS templates, so we built everything custom and from scratch. It starts with an immersive full screen overview of your days (video background), followed by an intuitive sideways feed. Everything is build around the medium video. You won’t find any static images. We even added background music (that can be muted), which is of course something you’d never do on a mobile device. I’m really excited to see what people think of the experience!
Simon Burns
@jonasbrandau @rrhoover Love this - I've been thinking a lot about what will be the killer apps (excuse the term) for Apple TV. Gaming has been talked about a fair amount but there doesn't seem to be the right tools for gaming to take off. Side by side March Madness viewing was an in-app experience I loved. Multimedia journalism in the way that you're doing it with Hyper is a very unique way to take advantage of the medium. What is the future of using tvOS as a platform for developers? What apps do you think will take the user's imagination in a way that they don't on other platforms?
Greg Isenberg
Very cool @markusgilles. Looks beautiful!
Markus Gilles
Thanks @rrhoover for the hunt! We’re a team of filmmakers and developers. Our goal is to combine the best videos on the web with the best user experience design we could dream up. All 100% hand-curated. Here’s how it works: Every day, our team goes through the leg work of watching hundreds of new videos from the best sources online. We then distill them to a daily edition of videos worth watching. We have launched our first app (Hyper on iPad) here on PH a few months back with great community feedback and got featured BEST OF 2015 by Apple. Pumped to bring this to Apple TV! Here's what you can expect:
Austin Sandmeyer
I curious to see what the curation looks like as well as the potential action of swiping regarding usage looks like! Very interesting. From the design standpoint, it looks like Snapchat "swipe up to discover!" 📺🙌
Ben Tossell
Also interested in this angle @markusgilles - so much consumption is on mobile/tablets for video, what made you go this direction?
Markus Gilles
@bentossell Our goal is ultimately to be synched across all of your connected devices with individually specific UX design to match screen size, viewing behavior etc. on each of them. Apple TV is our second step on that roadmap (after iPad). Stay tuned for more.
Andrew Savitz
Beta tested their iPhone app and loved it, but using it with Apple TV is going to be even more incredible!
Eric Quinn Hargrove
I've been part of the beta for the iPhone and the UX is wonderful. The curation of Hyper's video content is the best that I have experienced thus far and it has presented me with some amazing content that I would have never expected to see. I m really happy to hear about it being on  TV. Jonas, thank you to you and your team for some really fantastic work!
Jonas Brandau
@ericqhargrove No thank you! It's feedback like yours that motivates us to do what we're doing! :)
Steven Rueter
Awesome. I'm really glad to see how fellow devs and companies have adopted Apple TV as a platform. The fact that this is built from scratch makes it unique from a design perspective, and I love how everything is "alive" with no static images. Very, very cool product.
Simon Keane
Interesting to see this launch on Apple TV. Any ETA on the launch of the iPhone version?
Preston Long
So I can not find it in the Apple TV App Store
Jonas Brandau
@pmlonglamoureux Can you check again? Should definitely be up now worldwide!
I've been waiting for this! Thanks guys looks beautiful... Can't wait to try it out. Huge fan!
Preston Long
Now it's there!
Braden Hamm
Just downloaded it. Great experience with a unique UI. I like the "Swipe up to share" method; popular interaction model for the iPhone, now on the ATV 4. I had the old version of this on my iPhone when it went by another name (don't remember), but the Apple TV is a more natural place for me anyway.