I received a Humin email the other day. I thought it was rather unprofessional for someone to use a service to verify whether they had my correct info or not instead of just using their words or sending an email.
@kchau Hey Kevin. For those with a large number of contacts, cleaning up out of date personal details with one-to-one personal emails would be too overwhelming to even consider. The good news is, you don't have to download Humin to verify your info for them, you can do it right on the web. I feel bad that your experience wasn't great, but know that we're improving this feature every day.
@lanewood I get that, but don't make it sound so canned. With the vast amount of information you get from the user, there is the option to personalize it and make it not so robotic. I would never use this "clean-up" feature because all of the contacts related to my work are high touch and personalized.
It wouldn't be hard to do something sent from {{user_email}} and:
Hey {{contact_first_name}},
I started using the Humin app and am in the process of cleaning up my contacts. I wanted to reach out and verify that I had the correct info for you in case I needed to reach out in the future. Here's what I have:
Thanks a bunch!
See where I'm coming from?
@kchau This was a major turn-off for me. I'm a growth marketer and understand the need to get mass adoption for something like this, but spamming my contacts under the guise of verifying them with an email like this is not cool.
Also, don't send me a push notification telling me to put it in the bottom row on my phone. If you prove your value to me, I will happily do it on my own.
I'm an early adopter and therefore pretty lenient when it comes to trying new stuff, but these two things really turned me off to this app. Curious to hear your thoughts on this @lanewood.
@lylemckeany assuming that we built the verify only for growth just isn't accurate. But I would've been annoyed as well, so I get it. There's a reason why no one has solved the contacts problem yet. It's incredibly complicated. One big cause for that is that each one of us has so much out of date, mis-typed or just flat-out-wrong info in our contacts. The verify feature was something we knew was going to be touchy. We spent a lot of time on logic for emails going out to try to reduce any feeling of intrusiveness. We didn't get it right at first, but what exists now is 100x better than what we started with. We'll always be improving it. That's why we tested it for so long before we went live.
Also, the push notification you mentioned doesn't exist anymore. All of these fixes are thanks to feedback from our early access users. I'm beta testing two friends' apps right now, and there's a lot that needs to be fixed. I keep an Evernote file of all the things that annoy me and send every couple of days.
Hopefully that helps clear things up a bit, but feel free to hit me back with any thoughts.
Humin is designed to be a new contextual phone app that captures all of your relationships and remembers people the same way you think about them. The product is built on a smarter search (think page rank for people) that let's you search everyone in your network with terms like "Met last week" or "Works at Product Hunt."
After a year and a half of development, we're thrilled that Humin is live! We launched today, so go download it and AMA.
@lanewood congrats Lane! a couple qs:
1) a few people have tried this - why will you succeed where others haven't?
2) how do you guys plan on monetizing?
@eriktorenberg thanks! I can address #1... (we're not really commenting on #2 yet)
There have been more than a few attempts at solving the "contacts problem" over the years. I think the mindset for past attempts well intentioned, but flawed. You can't just aggregate all of your FB, LI, contacts etc into one place... the result is chaotic and irrelevant. CONTEXT is really the key here, being able to sort through massive amounts of data and deliver only the results that matter to you right now. I also don't think people really think about using an "address book" (I'll bet your contacts app on iPhone is buried pretty deep) so we rebuilt the phone app instead.
@jtriest I do this with any new app that I'm trying out and that I think could be valuable... just move it to your home screen. Make sure to activate voicemail in Humin as well so you don't get pinged back over to the native app.
Also, try adding a new contact in Humin as well. Many people refuse to go back after they see how we Huminize new connections.
Humin really does make your phone smarter by providing context around relationships and organizing your contacts in a more intuitive fashion. @lanewood can probably answer any questions.
@lanewood thanks! looking forward to playing around.
I don't want my Facebook contacts showing up in the app. How can i remove my facebook account from humin?
@AdrianGrant for now, FB is required. The thing to know here is that Humin never just "lists" your contacts, only the ones relevant will ever show. So if you're not really friends with the person on FB, you won't actually see them until you search "Lives in Los Angeles" or "Works at X company" when they suddenly become a little more relevant. Same thing with LinkedIn.
@lanewood - going to be honest, the "Confirm your contact" email Humin sent to my entire address book when I signed up felt like a total spam move. Perhaps I missed something, but it wasn't clear it was going to email all of my contacts. Moreover, no one *ever* wants to email everyone in their address book. I felt deceived as soon as I found out those emails went out.
I did like Humin as an app after this happened and continued using it sparsely until I got a new phone, but it just left a terrible taste in my mouth as a user.
I've been trying to reinstall it on my new phone, an iPhone 5 (same as before just had a battery issue), but after reauthenticating my Facebook account it told me to kill the app and restart. Seemed weird, but when I did and tried to open it back up again it crashes as soon as it opens. Any ideas?
@torbahax you can FaceTime (video) your friends from their profile. Just click on the camera icon at the bottom.
Also - FT is just one of many alternative communication forms that we want to support. Hang on. You'll see more soon.
@lanewood Great job! Just discovered Humin today. Out of interest, I noticed that contacts from my address book, which haven't been merged/cross referenced with Facebook, don't have the contact photos I set. Is there any reason for this? It would be a time consuming job to resolve this!
@oliverwaters Hey Oliver. One of the biggest challenges for contacts is understanding how and when to merge a contact in your phone with one from fb and one from Gmail etc. If we can't match the person's identity, we won't enrich it with any more info. Give it some time and most of your contacts will have enriched profiles. If it's someone like "mom" or "wifey" you can manually merge that contact with the profile from fb by tapping "edit info" on their profile.
@lanewood Sure. I think there was some miscommunication... I'm referring to photos I have added to my contacts in my iOS address book. Those images are not used in Humin on contacts which aren't merged with Facebook. Some of my contacts don't have Facebook, or I'm not connected with them on Facebook, therefore they don't have photos. My suggestions would be to use the images I have added to them in the contacts app rather than just leave them as your default 'scenery/nature' images. Hope this makes sense ;)
Hey guys - love the concept. Any news on when you will be able to synch messages received via iMessages and not sent via your app? This is a habit barrier for me and I'd prefer to get value from your app even if I don't use it as my primary messaging client.
@lanewood no creative ways to get around this? E.g. set up an XMPP gateway and have people validate through Apple to send iChat messages, a la http://appleinsider.com/articles...
There's something very visceral and interesting seeing the phone icon being replaced by Humin. Cool seeing a startup go after one of the core features of a smartphone. I imagine on android you could actually see crazier integrations
I tried it out but the flows are sometimes lacking, e.g. I couldn't call back someone easily from voicemail.
Also, bc my default phone app is for incoming calls, and sometimes what I was using for calling, not everything was tracked properly.
Hey Alex- to be clear, there was a short time where the only way to experience verify was to verify all. it was still a double opt in, but the messaging (obviously from feedback like yours) wasn't clear enough. That was several weeks before a public launch. Now, by default, you must select/deselect the individuals you want to verify.
That issue you've been having with the new version is a known bug. Can you email get@humin.com so we can register it and our support team can address it properly? thanks!
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Carpool VC - S2E3, Prerna Gupta, Founder/CEO of Hooked
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Carpool VC - S2E3, Prerna Gupta, Founder/CEO of Hooked
Carpool VC - S2E3, Prerna Gupta, Founder/CEO of Hooked
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