Paul Veugen

Human for Apple Watch - Real-time activity tracking with friends on the Apple Watch

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Paul Veugen
We're super thrilled to bring Human to the Apple Watch. The Apple Watch showcases that wearables are quickly becoming a lifestyle category and software game. We believe to be a great fit with a strong focus on an active lifestyle, versus hardcore tracking and exercise. We pushed the current Watch SDK to the limits and tried to add as much personality to the Watch app as we could. We have real-time stats for you and your friends in a club, added beautiful theme packs that you can earn with a streak, included a glance for quick daily progress, and use hand-off to switch between the Watch and iPhone app. Let me know if you have any questions.
Nik Graf
I'm so looking forward to use Human with the iWatch. Right now I track my 7 months trip around the world with Human & it works fantastic. Let's see what I can do with the exported data.
Ty Martin
@nikgraf what are you tracking with Human on your trip? Have you tried
Paul Veugen
Some thoughts on the challenges of building a Watch app:
Solene Maître
Great! I love human and can't wait to test it on the Watch. Do you have any screen to share?
Paul Veugen
@solenema I've updated my post with some background and screenshots. More about this release:
Eleftheria Karyoti
Keep it up Humans :)
Jason Shah
Beautiful job with the app, @pveugen + team!
Paul Veugen
@jasonyogeshshah Thanks Jason! Can't wait to try out other great apps on the Watch too...
Pieter Walraven
Well done @pveugen! Looks amazing, can't wait to try it out! So my question is... did you get the Apple email with the special opportunity for an expedited Apple Watch order? ;)