Huck is an Apple Watch app that lets you focus on the game while it handles the stats. Keep accurate scores, record your workout - including duration, distance, energy burned, and heart rate - and review your game history effortlessly.
Hey folks 👋🏻
A few months ago friends invited me to join a social Ultimate Frisbee 🥏 game. Within a few minutes I was hooked and have been playing (almost) every week since. But most weeks we lost track of the score. Ever happen to you?
I downloaded an app to keep score, but the Apple Workout app would keep stealing the focus whenever the watch locked and then I'd have to switch back to update the score - what a drag! And after the game, the score was gone forever. 😢
So I did what anyone would do...I built an Apple Watch ⌚️ app that does both in one. And now Tuesday night Ultimate Frisbee is 48x better than it was before - that's a real metric, I measured it.
With that, it's my pleasure to introduce Huck, the Ultimate Scoreboard Apple Watch App. It does a few core things:
• it keeps score,
• it tracks a workout and
• it lets you look back over your past games.
In future it'll do more things, but for now, that's what it does.
What other sports or games could you see Huck being used for? Yes, it was built for Ultimate Frisbee, but honestly it could work for anything where you want to track a workout and keep score at the same time. I want to add a bunch of customisations for different sports, so let me know what you're playing...and if you give it a try for another sport and it works for you, please let me know it goes! And if it doesn't, let me know too - let's see if we can make it happen.
Enjoy Huck
Ah, I wish this were available on Google Wear, @kingromstar, but unfortunately it's Apple Watch only right now!
Do you think this is something you might find useful if it were available of Google Wear devices as well? Enough to get you using a Pixel watch?
Huck: Ultimate Scoreboard
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Huck: Ultimate Scoreboard
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Huck: Ultimate Scoreboard
Huck: Ultimate Scoreboard
Huck: Ultimate Scoreboard
Huck: Ultimate Scoreboard
Huck: Ultimate Scoreboard