Moving to New York? Hopscotch helps you discover suitable neighborhoods based on many factors: budget, grocery stores, gyms, subway lines, bike share, parks, safety, proximity to specific locations and more.
Hey PH! Abhijit, Darren, and I worked as a team to build Hopscotch.
If you’re moving to NYC (or thinking about it), Hopscotch helps you discover suitable neighborhoods that best align with your needs or wants. We built Hopscotch to reduce the hassle of mining through various sources to find your optimal living location.
Some features:
- Hopscotch incorporates many filters including proximity to specific locations, budget, safety, nearby stores and gyms, subway lines and citi bikes, and more.
- Hopscotch allows you to customize your priorities and receive personalized recommendations for top neighborhoods and communities.
- You can instantly see your priorities reflected on an interactive map and visualize the best neighborhood locations.
Hopscotch was created at Hack Lodge, a week-long hackathon in NYC this past month. While Hopscotch currently serves NYC, we plan to expand to other cities in the future.
Give it a try and let us know what you think!
Super cool concept, and great UI! Have you thought about incorporating neighborhood sound / popularity level? Thinking about my own apartment search in nyc... I know I was very concerned about living in a neighborhood that felt too busy and loud.
Ease of access to the major airports (or Penn/Grand Central) is important too. Maybe have those as auto-populated suggestions rather than making users have to search for them?
Congrats on the launch 👏
@hugh_lagrotteria Great ideas, sound/liveliness does make a huge difference. And we can add some travel hubs similar to the gyms and grocery chains. Thanks for the suggestions!
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