Will Dennis

Hopscotch - A simple app to visualize where on Earth you haven't been.

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Will Dennis
Hey all! My name's Will - I'm one of the guys behind Hopscotch along with @oneyenjug. We built Hopscotch to show you where you've been and where you still need to explore. Earn points as you uncover the Earth and see how you rank against other explorers. It's a fun, easy way to visualize your travels or your everyday commute. Ideally, Hopscotch makes it exciting to explore that street you've never walked. It's working for me so far :) Happy to answer any questions!
Johnny Quach
@willydennis @oneyenjug Very cool can you guys add FS, Yelp, FB, integration so we can get points for all the places I have been :(
Will Dennis
@johnnyquachy @oneyenjug something we're considering for upcoming builds. thanks Johnny!
Johnny Quach
@willydennis @johnnyquachy @oneyenjug this might be as important but I take the subway to work and I don't get credit for it.... :( help!
Will Dennis
@johnnyquachy @willydennis @oneyenjug yeah right now it needs service to accurately track you. we'll see what we can do - thanks Johnny!
Ryan Hoover
I don't leave SF's SOMA/Tenderloin enough. Now I must so I can beat @nbashaw in the leaderboard. :P @willydennis - previously you were working on Hollerback at Techstars. Why did you move onto Hopscotch? That must be a tough decision to move onto something completely different.
Will Dennis
@nbashaw is exploring like a mad man! good luck taking him down :) Love you asking the tough questions @rrhoover, haha! It was definitely a painful decision to move away from Hollerback but I believe it was the right one. Our team looks to build products that are unique and have the potential, if they resonate, to be massive. After looking at our numbers and competition (SnapChat, FB Messenger, iMessage all released similar features within a 2-3 week period) it became hard to see a way to really break through the noise. In consumer mobile I think one of the most important questions mass market consumers need answered (for word of mouth to really hit) is "How is this significantly different from everything else that's out there?" That question became really hard for us to answer. So we've been building and testing fresh ideas from there. Hopscotch is just something we wanted to exist. Hopefully there are others who like it too. Who knows, we may have a few more products coming around the bend :)
Ryan Hoover
@willydennis #respect. Consumer social is competitive space and within it, photo/video-based apps are crowded. Even if you make a kickass product, breaking through the noise (press, paid acquisition, app store rankings, etc.) is a challenge. I love the fog of war metaphor you're playing with here. It's giving me Starcraft flashbacks. How are you measuring engagement and success since this is an app that's mostly used in the background track your movements?
Will Dennis
@rrhoover painfully true - though PH is helping with the noise. #brownnosing engagement is a tough one for the reasons you mentioned, right now we're looking at app opens plus general usage (are people's points increasing steadily? do power users seem to be emerging?). definitely rough right now but we'll be looking to refine over time as we see how/when people are using.
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
I feel like uncovering the map in GTA when watching your video! awesome idea!
Will Dennis
@bramk thanks!
Daniel Burke
hey @willydennis! So, i'm a Strut (http://strutapp.com/) user from a while back. People seem to be starting to lose interest. what's your plan to keep this fresh?
Will Dennis
@d2burke hey daniel, thanks or asking! we actually considered scattering cash around the map for people to find, but decided against it for now :) we've also discussed "discoveries" which could be recommended venues, notes left by other users, discounts, multimedia, etc that are hidden around the world and unlocked when you're in that physical space. what do you think would keep you sticking around?
Danny Espinoza
@willydennis there are a few apps in the space and I haven't seen a lot of traction. I think focusing on the gaming aspects would lead to more stickiness but maybe that's just me :)
Will Dennis
@dannyjespinoza thanks danny!
Danny Espinoza
@willydennis @dannyjespinoza here's one that couldn't make it work (https://twitter.com/gethover) and another that is still working on it I guess (http://popupapp.co/)
Daniel Burke
@willydennis @d2burke Seems people are really excited about ephemeral as well as anonymous messaging. It would be pretty interesting to see a sort of location-based "Whisper". There are few apps that involve people leaving notes or breadcrumbs at locations and they seem to be gaining at least some traction. Maybe there's something there.
Josh Lee
Love this a lot. A lot of apps take us out of the "real world", this looks like a fun way to push people to get out and explore more.
Will Dennis
@lee94josh thanks Joshua!
Jocelyn Leavitt
Awesome, I just downloaded it. Can't wait to try this as someone also building (completely different!) software called Hopscotch ;-)
Andy Rosenberg
Good stuff @willydennis. Just downloaded and checking it out. Do you see any fitness applications here? I like how you've incorporated a motivation to explore new areas which can easily be applied to, "hey you, get off your couch and go outside."
Will Dennis
@AndyTheGiant ideally some motivation is provided but not necessarily tied to "fitness." there are a lot of great apps that quantify your exercise, we're more interested in quantifying your exploring. definitely a lot of overlap, my favorite way to explore does happen to be biking. maybe fitness will emerge as a core motivation/use case.
Lasse Clausen
I was looking for FB, Foursquare/Swarm, Instagram integration so I can import my locations from the past.
Will Dennis
@lalleclausen something we're considering for upcoming builds. thanks lasse!
Adam Herscher
Brilliant idea, loving it so far but it's been brutal on battery usage. Are you guys planning any near term optimizations (maybe polling less frequently and extrapolating paths in between points)? Keep up the great work!
Drew Goodwin
@willydennis @oneyenjug Blown away by this idea. Haven't tried the app yet but as someone who loves to explore, the fog of war seems like a brilliant way to gamify it. Can you tell us what you hope the future of this app will look like?
Will Dennis
@tacomanator @willydennis @oneyenjug thanks Drew! One step at a time, but... we think there's a lot of opportunity around shared public space. As devices become more saturated, battery life gets better, and beacon / bluetooth expands, a ubiquitous digital layer on physical space will start to make sense (wow this sentence is buzz-wordy). It's hard to tell what that might look like right now, but imagine walking into a restaurant and having access to the menu immediately, being able to chat with people around you, pay your bill - all on a common platform/app. It might be created on the operating system level, or may be something that emerges from a consumer app. It's a big mountain to climb. At the moment we're just starting excited to see Hopscotch v1 get used and see how it's received by cool people like you :)
Trista Kempa
Will Dennis
@tristajaye what up trista!!
Trista Kempa
@willydennis @tristajaye <3 <3 couldn't believe I saw your smiling face on the website! Love it already!
Brad Holden
@willydennis- Congrats. This looks awesome. It has been amazing to watch you guys go from Liquid to Hollerback to this! Incredible perseverance and iteration. Excited to test this out!
Will Dennis
@holdenbrad Thanks Brad!
Ty Martin
Turfly (http://turf.ly) designer/product guy here. I must say Hopscotch is very cool and I'm looking forward to trying it over the next few weeks (if that's okay?). We wanted to do a fog of war feature as well but ended up building something like it in reverse (also we have it so that friends scout out the "turfs" for you). @vikparuchuri also says he's a big fan of the design of Hopscotch (ahem). Our focus has always been on health and fitness, so Turfly will inevitably have a different look, feel and target audience I believe. Congrats and best of luck @willdennis!
Will Dennis
@tymrtn @vikparuchuri Sounds good. Look forward to seeing it progress!
Matt Tsymbal
want to try it, do you have it for android?