Grace Gimson

Holly Health 2.0 - The adaptive and personalised burnout prevention coach


Built by psychology experts, the Holly Bird 🐦 supports you to create habits & experiments to enhance your life rhythm. Form a love for daily movement, sleep better, stress less & reduce emotion related eating. Launch sale on until 13th Sept 2021 πŸ™Œ

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@grace_gimson and ?makers Congratulations on the launch! Would love to know more about your journey from your first launch ( - from a weight-loss centric app to a burnout prevention coach app?
Grace Gimson
@adityavsc Hi Aditya, great question! Both version 1 (which ran in WhatsApp) and version 2 (just launched) support small incremental lifestyle changes, across both physical and mental health. What's evolved slightly is the needs and goals of our typical end user. We support people to avoid overwhelm and burnout from high stress routines, enabling them to focus more proactively on their physical and mental health. Though many Holly users still aim to achieve sustainable weight management, many people recognise that what's getting in their way is often stress or emotion related eating. This is why addressing psychological challenges alongside physical, is the best way to begin
@grace_gimson I have always been a strong advocate of holistic health management and am so happy to see your team doing the same. It's more important to *feel* healthy than to just *look* healthy πŸ™ƒ Rooting for you and the team's success πŸ…
Grace Gimson
@adityavsc Yes totally agree! Thanks Aditya
Grace Gimson
Hey Hunters πŸ‘‹. I'm cofounder and CEO of Holly Health. Holly came out of a need that we in the team have always felt in our own lives, so we hunted and created our own solution. We all know that when times are busy, we let go of the little behaviours which keep us grounded, energised and emotionally stable. Holly Health enables us to put our physical and emotional health first, even when life is moving at 100mph. My awesome cofounders were previously psychology and neuroscience 🧠 researchers out of King's College London and UCL. They hunted down the right science to bring into Holly Health. It's all about taking a more mindful and proactive approach to our health, and leaving behind the restrictive and all or nothing methods we've used for the last few decades. We get feedback that this is what Noom should have done, but didn't πŸ˜‰ . i.e. evidenced psychology and sustainability at the core. We all know that diets and short term exercise regimes don't work over the long term πŸ›‘ (physically or mentally). The service, provided through the Holly Bird, adjusts to your unique situation, providing recommendations, reminders, friendly nudges and reflective chat flows to keep you learning about yourself and moving forwards, in the areas important to you. For those interested in some of the tech behind the Holly Bird, we use DailogFlow for the conversational interactions. Everyone can access a 2 week free trial. Plus we're running launch sale subscription prices, up to 80% off for just 1 more week! Available to download now on Android & iOS in UK, USA, Canada and further afield 🐦. We welcome your feedback!
Stewart Barrett
@grace_gimson This is an awesome concept, excellent work getting it off the ground and good luck in your launch!
Grace Gimson
@stewup Thanks Stewart!
Jos Shepherd
Hi all! I'm an engineer here at Holly Health. Thanks for taking a look at what we've been working on. Feel free to ask me any tech related questions.
Claire Wu
Hi! I'm cofounder and CPO of Holly Health. Previously, I was a neuroscientist working at UCL and in pharma :) Feel free to ask me any questions about the product or the scientific background behind what we've built!
Ian Burgess
@grace_gimson this looks incredible! Congrats on the launch and absolutely loving the UI!
Grace Gimson
@ian_burgess Thanks Ian, glad to hear you love the UI, we really enjoyed designing it
Bertie IP
Congratulations on the launch, @grace_gimson πŸš€ Huge advocate for mental health tech, and this looks fantastic. Be kind to the mind 🧠
Grace Gimson
@bertie Thanks Bertie, 'Be kind to the mind 🧠' that's a great little mantra. It's definitely something we sometimes neglect in fast paced tech/startup world. We hope Holly Health can make it easier for a lot of builders and creators
Hui Yuan Feng
Just the thing I needed!
Grace Gimson
@hui_yuan_feng Glad to hear it! Hope you enjoy
Andy StClair
Well done on the launch. Solving for a very worthwhile problem, nicely done.
Grace Gimson
@andyjs2020 Thanks Andy, yes lots of challenges in this space to address and we're only just scratching the surface of what technology can do for preventive healthcare
Congrats on the launch!
Grace Gimson
@stevanpopo Thanks Stevan!
Latoya Emillie
Great product!
Jan Brya
Wow, Interesting :O!
Leila Samadi
Fantastic product!
Grace Gimson
@leila_samadi Thanks Leila! Do let us know if you have any feedback!
Katheri Andrew
Wow,Curious about this
Richard Bundsgaard
Very cool! Best of luck with the launch πŸ™Œ
Grace Gimson
@richard_b Thanks Richard!
Sheikh Anon
Best of Luck Holly Health πŸ‘
Alex M
Awesome product
Karan Vir
Congrats on the launch Grace 🌸! Will definately share this with my friend's..!
Grace Gimson
@karan_vir2 Thanks Karan πŸ™Œ
Abhijay jain
Congratulations on the launch !! Amazing UI, Great product.
Evgeny Usov
thanks, great app
Shubhra Patre
Wow, much needed now more than ever! Great job team!
Grace Gimson
@shubhrapatre Thanks Shubhra πŸ™Œ