Hey! 👋 is a super fun way of meeting up with friends and others and in your area. Simply hold your thumb on the screen to be matched. Use the compass to navigate towards each other!
Hey! 👋 everyone! Made this app as a game for my friends to find each other at school. Over time they started to use it more as a utility and less as a game and they really seemed to like it so I thought it would be great to share it with the Product Hunt community. Let me know what you think and have fun on the app!
@abadesi Yeah! right now you can hold the right side of the screen (on the globe) to be matched with someone in your area! Will definitely make this more powerful and useful over time. (Though I found most of my friends used it to match with people they were pinging)
Looking great! But it feels like friends-only apps are almost impossible to market. If you are the first friend to download the app, and your friends still didn't download it, then the app is not working (you will delete it right away). How did you manage to face this issue? What marketing strategies may work in such a situation?
Hey! 👋
Hustle Crew Academy
Hey! 👋
Can't wait for this app to gain traction.
Pros:Quick and fun way to meet up with friends - great UI. Finally a simple and USEFUL social app.
Cons:More users needed!
Love the design!
Pros:Always a fun, engaging app to use with friends!
Cons:Few users :/
Im extremely excited to try this out on my college campus
Pros:Super exciting and satisfying way to find your friends
Cons:not enough people to connect to