Shrijith Venkatramana

365 Reasons - Free daily nudges to read so that you can level up in life

Wish you could read more books, but finding it difficult to get started? Wish you could stay more consistent with your existing reading habit? 365 Reasons sends FREE daily nudges to encourage reading so that you can Level Up in life, via reading.

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Shrijith Venkatramana
TLDR: 365 Reasons is a clever little nudge system to keep books & reading at the top your mind, throughout the year. You get daily reading encouragement for FREE, from recognized authorities and great people, extolling the benefits of reading. Their words are sure to fire you up, and pick up the book and read :) If you wish to read more, subscribe. If your friends, siblings, children or colleagues would benefit from reading, share it with them. It is absolutely FREE to use. Please Make the best use of it. SUBSCRIBE HERE: === Longer version: Hello PH community, We live in the attention economy. We no longer live in the world of monetary shares, but that of mindshare. My goal is to make reading books a bigger phenomenon within your consciousness. I am working hard to convince you to give books a larger mindshare, which will profit you immensely. Books are capable of transforming you: - Earn more - Learn more - Do more - Be more - Relate better On top of the above generic things, books can entertain, teach, and elevate you all at the same time. The best of human history is available to you, within the library. SUBSCRIBE HERE: ## Why Read? As a college student, I read 100s of books a year About all sorts of things: Philosophy, Science, Mathematics, Novels, Self-Help, Politics, Storytelling, History, Business and more I like to joke that I graduated from libraries, rather than any particular educational institution. Every joke tends to have a kernel of truth, and this one is no different. In fact, if I have accumulated any merits at all in life, it has been primarily due to reading books. In Reading Books, I discovered the thoughts of the greatest minds, the most profound and refined views on various topics, and priceless historical records of human existence. I learned of the heights of human efforts & achievement The experience transformed me, from a confused and floundering student, to a determined and focused individual. Reading encouraged me more than anything. It has given me the aspiration and power to live life properly. Simply put, Reading WORKS. It works, regardless of what problem you are facing now. Reading helps you become a better problem solver. SUBSCRIBE HERE: ## What is 365 Reasons? The pure logic for reading books goes something like this: Our ancestors have faced many problems Their attempts, experiences, lessons and solutions are stored within books in the libraries By learning from books, you boost your speed of learning significantly What took thousands of years to figure out (say Human Flight), you can learn now in a few years Therefore, the conclusion for reading is utility - it saves you time, energy and money I noticed that while such pure logic made intellectual sense what really motivated me to read more was not pure logic alone. What really moved me was the strong personal statements from great people from history, who loved books, who had benefited from books, and constantly praised its merits. There was Tesla, Newton, Darwin, Lee Kuan Yew, Schopenhauer, Rickover, Charlie Munger, Shankaracharya, Benjamin Franklin, Lincoln, Alan Kay and many, many more -- the list of scholars, practitioners and erudites praising the value of reading was nearly endless. Their passionate advocacy and conviction-filled words created an unshakable faith within me, that reading consistently is the best thing I can do, if I am to use my life properly. SUBSCRIBE HERE: ## How you too can read consistently? The 365 Reasons News Letter is born from my personal experience of transformation. And my desire is to help you have transformational reading experience, so that you benefit personally, and with your personal growth, let civilization benefit too. When beginning, you may face a overwhelming number of practical and tactical choices. Physical books vs eBooks, Fiction vs Non-Fiction, Interesting vs Not Interesting, Easy Read vs Difficult Read, etc. While these sorts of tactical choices do matter, tactical decisions are less important than consistently reminding yourself of the “why”. 365 Reasons exists to help you create that mental environment that constantly encourages you to explore the world of reading. With 365 Reasons, every day, you will receive an encouraging email The email will contain: A quote from a notable personality The quote will somehow remind you of the value of reading A super short background on person The person’s authority will encourage your own efforts Reading this email may take you a minute or two, but it will keep you interested about reading for the whole day. And with such encouragement, you are more likely to stay consistent with your reading for long periods of time. SUBSCRIBE HERE:
Hey friend, congratulations on your launch! I tried to sign up, the form is not working. Thank you.
Shrijith Venkatramana
@zeng Thanks for reporting. I just tried the form now, and seems to be working. Can you share details of browser/platform?