Ozgur Ozer

Hear - Unlimited control over real-world sounds

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⚡S M A S H B A S E⚡
Dowloaded, then deleted once I got stuck at "plug in earphones". I use bluetooth headphones. Cords? What?
michael breidenbrück
@smashbase Hi. Bluetooth is a tough one for us... Very low sample rate and therefor latency. We are looking into it but there is a big variety of bluetooth headsets with big quality variations and apps have no info about the kind of headset connected...
Gunter Geiger
@smashbase Bluetooth has really bad audio quality and high latency in full duplex mode. Anyhow, we will add it in the next release .. for the daring
Florian Dorfbauer
Any plans to release Hear on Android, @byzo?
michael breidenbrück
@fdorfbauer we got it working on android and seeing all these responses we will def. look into this!
Patrick Vlaskovits
@byzo @fdorfbauer Michael, latency will likely be a challenge on Android for you guys. http://Superpowered.com can help.
michael breidenbrück
@pv @fdorfbauer latency +1 ..we got it to ok level but still an issue!
Patrick Vlaskovits
@byzo @fdorfbauer -- we're all about low latency at Superpowered. If you have any questions, hit us up at hello@superpowered.com
michael breidenbrück
hi guys, hi @seanevd Michael from RjDj here. Indeed, it is the same developer. RjDj is back in town :-)
Jay Mutzafi
@byzo @seanevd Duuuuuuuuude! I kept wondering where you folks have disappeared. RjDj and specifically eargasm is one of my first and favorite discoveries on an iPhone years ago. Hear looks awesome and I am delighted you are back. But can we please pretty please get the original eargasm filter back somehow? I'll pay whatever you want as an In-App Purchase!
michael breidenbrück
@jaymutzafi try the relax filter :-)
Dilyar Askar
I really like the concept, but the site and the video just creeped me out and I don't think it did a good/professional job of introducing the product.... Just my viewpoint..
@dilyaraskar Felt the same :) bored to read just watched the video and came to read the comments to see what is it about. Will download and check the app for sure.
Ryan Hoover
I didn't realize @byzo, founder of Last.fm, was behind this until I saw this VICE profile by @wurstzombie.
Sean E. Duncan
I was going to say this reminds me, a lot, of what @rjdj did with the Inception app. But upon further inspection after going to the RjDj website, I was redirected to Hear. Must be the same developer. 😅
Mark Sandeno
Super fun app. I first tried it on a busy Seattle street and found myself smiling like a dork on the "happy" setting. I was disappointed I couldn't use it with my higher end blue tooth headset though.
Adam Lazarus
This is fun. Monday am killer. Typing this comment sounds cool through the app!
Pawel Kadysz
I can't remember the last time I had so much fun with an iPhone app. Trying to send some people your way: https://tookapic.com/photos/102381 This app is worth sharing.
michael breidenbrück
@pawelkadysz what a pic!!! Nice one, thanks!
Rami Ghanem
This is the coolest thing I've seen all week. I can hear every gulp, sniff, movement of my tongue, whistle, etc super clearly. Works very well - major props!
Palak Zatakia
Looks amazing. Excited to try this out. :D
Christian Ochsenkühn
I'd love to hear that on Android ;)
Guntram Bechtold
Hot Stuff
Stefan Natter
Congrats @byzo. I already had the chance to test it months ago, it is an awesome app with a unique experience!
Daniel Lee
Cool! I always love seeing tech that interacts with the physical world. Will def try this out.
Bas Grasmayer
Favourite new activity: whistling into the Office filter. Well done, Michael, Rob & co.
Daniel Stahl
Super Hearing makes me feel like Daredevil :)
Arlo Gilbert
This would go very well with psychedelics
Niv Dror
Interesting description on the company website: "Hear is an amazing way to listen to the world. It harmonizes your listening experience which helps you to be less distracted and stressed. The Hear app filters your acoustic environment, takes out harsh sounds and turns stressful noise into harmonic sound environments. Try it now, it's a free download on the app Store!"
Giv Parvaneh
Morning commutes will never be the same. Love it.