Ben Johnston

Hash 2.0 - Brings you the stories people are talking about

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Cosmin Băluţă
Thanks for sharing. I like the design and hit download after watching that cool little gif. However, i can't seem to find it anywhere. It doesn't start when i start the app. I'll assume that's because it will only show the first time you open the app, in the morning? Not sure, though. The second expectation was having the full story shown when pressing a news. But, that's not an issue, although it will be nice to partner up with some news outlet and have at least a 2-3 paragraph story shown. Third thing, it only gets the trending from Twitter? Why not add Facebook and other sources? Also, not a fan of the icon, but that's ok. I really like the app and the idea behind it and i'm going to use it. JUST GET ME THAT VIDEO ROUND-UP!! :):):)
Brock Kenzler
@cosminbaluta Hi Cosmin! Thanks for checking it out! Are you trying to find the video round-up? There's a play button in the header section of the news feed. A new round-up comes out every morning, and it stays there to watch any time that day. Great suggestion about partnering with a news outlet, we're certainly open to opportunities like that. I also love your idea of showing at least part of the story without tapping on a tweet. Currently we're only showing tweets, but in the future we want to pull in news from other sources, as well as add some social and interactive features. Really appreciate your feedback :)
Kyrill Zorin
@brockkenzler @cosminbaluta The app looks great however I'm also not able to access the video round-up. I'm guessing it's not available in the Android app yet.
Colleen Morgan
@kyrillzorin @brockkenzler @cosminbaluta Yes, we've released the Daily Roundup video feature on iOS first up. Once it's been validated as a feature people love, we will roll it out on Android.
Colleen Morgan
👋 Hey there! Colleen here from Josephmark – a digital ventures studio based in Brisbane, Australia. When we first launched Hash, we wanted to create a simple, agenda-free news aggregator where anyone could easily catch-up on the most popular stories of the day. With 2.0, we’ve taken our unbiased platform to the next level – adding a personalised video round-up, the ability to follow stories that matter to you, and last but definitely not least, a brand-new look and feel. We’d love to know what you guys think of Hash. The team behind it is: @whoisjosephmark @jesshuddart @designtheworld_ @naghavi @brockkenzler @colleen_morgan @gmdixon @graybright @sammchardy @designbyjai
Pierre-Marie Galite
It looks like the Trending Topic part of Twitter, as a Standalone! Really well done.
Georgia Dixon
@tsunaze thanks heaps Pierre! If you have anymore feedback, we'd love to hear it.
Pierre-Marie Galite
@gmdixon I had to use a friend's iPhone, but this is something I could use a lot. A mix between Twitter Moment and Snapchat Stories for Business. I don't have any feedback yet, but congrats
Jeff Crump
Very nice. Reminds me a bit of the gone-too-soon iOS app Wildcard. Interested to see where you go with this!
Colleen Morgan
@jeffcrump Thanks Jeff. We have a couple of things in the works. Will keep you updated for sure.
Colleen Morgan
@jeffcrump Actually, I have an update for you today! We have just launched HashTab, a Chrome extension that displays a new Hash story each time you open a new tab. Check it out here: Would love to know what you think.
David Ryan
@colleen_morgan @jeffcrump I somehow missed the chrome extension. That's cool. Drip-feed content in context of an interface/intention transition is a nice learning hack!
Drew Shah
Love the app, so beautiful
B's Knees
I was JUST saying I wish Twitter moments and snapchat stories existed in a standalone app (I actually only used snapchat for the stories). So I can't wait to try this out!
Rajan Ramachandran

This is a well designed news app which show cases all the trending stories from Twitter. I like the categories, but it can be expanded to add more categories.




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