Handmade Tea
Unique loose leaf tea blends delivered monthly
Kyle Bragger

Handmade Tea for Offices — A monthly delivery of awesome teas for your company


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Love it. Wish there was a smaller package than $50 / month for 15 people.
Caleb Brown
@corleyh Thanks Corley! I absolutely understand that concern. I have a few companies that simply order the regular 19.95/mo. for the office kitchen and that works for them. If you want to shoot me an email (caleb@handmadetea.com) I could build a custom plan for you at a discount, something like 6oz of tea (the regular plan is 3oz) and see how that works at your office. Anything from Handmade Tea can be tweaked!
Kyle Bragger
Caleb lives and breathes tea. This is a really cool thing obviously made with a lot of love.
Clark Valberg
I'm radically pro-tea. This looks great @kylebragger!
Caleb Brown
@clarkvalberg Thanks Clark! Let me know if you have any questions at all!