hackattic - No nonsense, real world programming challenges
hackattic is an attempt to show people that programming challenges right now are DULL, lack creativity and are a sad way to estimate someone's skills. It's a very, very early phase, hacked up over a few lazy weekends, which the simple intention of making step zero out of possibly many to come.
Coin Daily Update
Great idea and wonderful execution.
Pros:From all the different code challenge sites, this one is the closest in feeling to actually building something useful.
Cons:Still growing - just a few challenges for now (but they will keep you busy for a while)
Mode Remote
Pros:- Breaking the "purist" programming world
- These are the problems which will be solved day to day
Cons:- Might have to reach critical mass before mainstream adoption
Solved three now. Gotta catch 'm all!
Will probably try using one or two as homework assignment for interviewing.
Pros:Really good, fun and wide ranging challenges!
Cons:The're hard and it's addictive :)
Developers and engineers who’d love to solve some programming challenges will find this a treasure trove!
Pros:As advertised- non nonsense challenges.
Cons:Add more challenges! :)