Upload personal photos and craft a special message for your customized Greetabl box so clients can unfold and proudly display photos at work, home, or anywhere happiness is welcome. Send a personal photo customized gifts for $15-$30 in less than 5 minutes. Great for any person wanting to improve a relationship.
Greetabl is my go to gift for every occasion.
Pros:We use this company as a way to make a personal touch without sending swag that people don't want. Big fan of the chocolate marshmallows!
Cons:They only let you do 3 custom photos.
Seriously so much better than any other gift I've ever used for my clients. The amount of times we get tagged on Twitter or Instagram when we send these out is crazy! Highly recommend giving them a try.
Pros:Very customizable, unique, the right price, and puts a small on every client. I use it on a personal basis too for relatives and friends.
Cons:There's only one size of the box and they don't have gift cards available.