Jonathan Howard

Greenhouse — Instantly see where any U.S. politician gets their money


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Nick Rubin
@dskaletsky Thanks! @lessig actually helped launch Greenhouse with a blog post, which you can see here:
Derek Skaletsky
@nickrubin I should have known :)
Álvaro Raminelli
Great idea and save a lot of time of developers! Good job team :)
Jonathan Howard
This is so cool. It's a browser plugin that inserts hover links where politicians' names are on the page. Hover to see a quick card detailing what lobbies their biggest donations come from, and what percent are <$200. Reading about a political issue? Easily see who's in a conflict of interest. Click to learn more details about their contributions, and positions on specific campaign finance reform proposals. Their landing page says it well: "Puts vital data where it’s most relevant so you can discover the real impact of money on our political system."
Jonathan Howard
Oh - and the creator is a 16 years old high school sophomore: Not even old enough to vote, but old enough to use tech to add transparency for those who can. Super cool.
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
this is pretty fun, especially the name which is the same as the World's biggest Marijuana seeds provider from Amsterdam haha
Erik Torenberg
super cool - love seeing stories like this. let's get this kid some well-deserved buzz. cc'ing founder @nickrubin - what inspired you to build this? Where's it going?
Wes Donohoe
This is awesome. They take data and present it effectively for the average consumer. Huge fan of I've spent countless hours in rabbit holes looking to see how Super PACs received funding and who/what their spending it on. It's a fascinating resource for monitoring political funds.
Nick Rubin
Thanks all! Just waking up in Seattle. This is an awesome site, and I'm really happy to be participating. @eriktorenberg Since a presentation in 7th grade, I've been very interested in campaign finance and the problems in our political system. More recently, I've been teaching myself how to code. I figured something like Greenhouse would be the perfect intersection of these two passions. For the future, Greenhouse will be updated to more current (2014) data, as it becomes more substantial. I have a bunch of ideas and am still thinking about where to take it. Any suggestions?
Akshay Patel
@nickrubin As a product and politics enthusiast this is great. Anything that creates better transparency about our officials is good for the public. Move over Yo, this is something worth writing about.
Zack Shapiro
@nickrubin This is cool, congrats on shipping it! One piece of feedback: I'd love to just use this in the browser rather than download it anywhere. My first inclination was to go to the site and start typing in politician names. Maybe let a user type in 1-2 names and then prompt them to download. Try before you buy.
Mack Flavelle
@nickrubin nice work man. we need more of this.
Drew Prindle
i would've killed for something like this back in college. Awesome work, @nickrubin!
Ross Rojek
@nickrubin Very good idea and well needed in today's political environment. One idea you might want to follow is also matching donor patterns (where do the donors concentrate their donations by party or by committee assignments) and related legislation (timing of donations in relationship to bill votes.) But excellent idea and work.
Nick Rubin
Thanks everyone! Apologies for the delay, I'm in a break between classes. @ZackShapiro that's actually a feature I had originally implemented, but chose to remove because my site was having problems with the API calls (mod_security?). It's definitely something I'd like to work on though - thanks for the idea!
Nick Rubin
@SacBookReviewer Thanks for the ideas!
Derek Skaletsky
wow...I never would have thought to create this as a browser plug-in. Super interesting. I agree with @ZackShapiro - would love to see a version that allows a lot more ways to search - by state, district, by contributor category (who has taken the most from pharma industry), etc. Awesome work here. Super interesting. I hope @lessig has seen this...
Ryan Hudson
@nickrubin Love what you are doing here on many levels and would like to help. There is a lot of power in automatically bringing the right information inline with it's natural usage. I could also see this driving a lot of traffic back to a website for a deeper experience (and socially distributed content). Your API call issue sounds like a cross site scripting restriction either on their side or yours. They are ways around this - happy to help debug. ryan (a) - we make a @rrhoover hunted browser extension :)
Nick Rubin
@ketau Thanks so much for the ideas and the offer!
Lenny Hu
Wow. this is great