Graphic AI Art Assistant for WhatsApp
Generate Art directly in WhatsApp
Michael Choupak
Graphic AI Art Assistant for WhatsApp — Generate art directly in WhatsApp via DM
Artificial Intelligence Graphic Art Assistant for WhatsApp or WhatsApp AI Image Generator Bot. Turns your words into images directly in WhatsApp. Stork for WhatsApp Bot is powered by the image generation AI. DM the Bot and get an instant image back.
Phani S
I chatted with the number provided, but I couldn't figure out how to use it. Have a video?
PB Josiah
This makes generating AI art accessible. Congrats on the launch!
Dávid Sipos
Nice work!
Cool idea, super accessible!
Heleana Grace
Well, this is a fun add-on! Bitmojis but better? :)
This is awesome!
Ayesha Awan
Congratulations on your new product! It's fantastic!
Richard Gao
Cool app! Does it rely on a stable diffusion API? Mainly asking because we're launching one at and think it would be super useful for apps like this. Congrats on the launch!
Roger D
super cool