Ben Issen

Digital Socrates 2.0 - Questions to train your mind.


Based on the socratic method, digital socrates asks questions designed to increase your critical thinking skills. Digital Socrates is full of thought-provoking questions on topics ranging from philosophy to interview questions, now asked from any voice device.

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Jonathan Porter
This is what happens when Makers collaborate - we can have nice things. Big thanks to @bissenmann for letting us spread the idea and create a voice app version of his project. This has by far been our favorite project to work on and we've learned so much in doing so. I'm excited to hear what you guys think and we would love feedback! Digital Socrates 2.0 is more personalized, has significantly more questions, remembers his interactions with you and works on both Alexa and Google assistant. Oh, and he has a wonderful British accent now (on Alexa). We have more categories in the works such as: - Relationships - Career - Health Don't see a category you want? Suggest one here: Also, we have a bunch of apps we plan to release soon if you're interested in increasing productivity, improving memory, and are interested in self-improvement in general. Sign up here for updates: **UPDATE** The skill is now live around the world in following supported languages: - English (AU) - English (CA) - English (GB) - English (IN) - English (US) @lyondhur, @darcie_jo_a, @kavirkaycee I hope you get a chance to try it now and any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Julia Clarks
I like the idea, could be very useful nowadays
Jonathan Porter
@julia_roma thanks for the comment! May I ask which part you find the most useful?
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Another one.. not available on Middle Earth. Socrates/Vocalize not available. :(
Jonathan Porter
@lyondhur where do you live? Currently it is US only but we are rolling out to other countries after we’ve gotten some feedback. If you sign up for our email I will be sending notifications when that happens!
Lyondhür Picciarelli
@porterhaus New Zealand mate. ;) I’d rather have an ETA than another email subscription. Sorry about that.
Jonathan Porter
@lyondhur New Zealand will be by this weekend. And I completely understand - don't mention it!
Oliver Yuwen
this is cool!
Chris Germano
Very interesting concept, I'll give it a spin in due time. Nicely done
Jonathan Porter
@chris_germano please do - and be sure to let me know your thoughts!
Kavir Kaycee
Seen the other comments and will wait till it's live in India. Is there any video preview of it., where you can see the audio at play? @porterhaus
Jonathan Porter
@kavirkaycee good question. I'll create a preview with audio and update here as well as our email list.
Darcie Jo-a
Wish this was available in Australia 😟
Jonathan Porter
@darcie_jo_a you can sign up here to be notified when it gets released in Australia!