Golden Retriever - API testing in VS Code: Git sync, local, free
Golden Retriever lets you test REST and GraphQL APIs right in VS Code, saving everything as JSON files in your Git repo for easy team sharing. It’s built for devs who want a local-first setup without cloud subscriptions or app-switching.
Hey Product Hunt folks,
I threw together Golden Retriever because I wanted an API client that stayed in VS Code and synced with my Git repo without being a pain—makes it easy to share with my team too. It pulls in Postman collections, saves everything as JSON files locally, and skips the cloud stuff—no subscriptions, just simple. It works for how I code (maybe you too?), with Postman compatibility (tell me if I missed anything), REST and GraphQL support, and everything right there in VS Code. I wrote about why I made it here:
Curious what you think—let me know!