Nick Clement

Glug Club - Curated offers to help your agency and career grow for free


What's been at the heart of Glug and what we do - ever since the launch in 2007 - is the way that we always aim to connect, inspire and up-skill the creative workforce.

We want to pool the best products, tools and services that's vital to launch, grow or optimise your brand, agency, studio or product teams.

MVP at the moment, it'll grow swiftly.

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Craig Barber
Nice one Team Glug! There's some solid discounts there which is nice, and a reason to join. Great work 🤓
Nick Clement
@craigjbarber Thanks CB
Congrats on launching @nickclement @typecally - why this and why now? Were you driven to generate revenue through the brand you've built with your events? I also notice you list some services as free (Mailchimp, Slack) those are already free at a basic tier, have you negotiated a specific free version for your club?
Nick Clement
Thanks @abadesi, we're looking to add value to our community, and any money made from any affiliate deals goes straight back in to the business for running costs. Strategic partnerships are presently being officiated, some as you've mentioned are listed as tools agency owners use, this sits alongside the partnership deals we're currently drawing up for the creative community.

Glug has allowed us to connect to the best of the best, and helped grow our business. Glug Club offers the same plus great offers


Free, great offers, helpful advice, great community of experts



Stanford Rosenthal
Why do you ask for gender? What if someone doesn't identify as either male or female?
Craig Barber
@stan Agreed, there is a fair bit of data to fill out in your forms. @nickclement... I'd have less data capture in your signup form. Here's what I'd go with: Full Name Email Job title Guarantee, You will see a higher rate of conversions with less fields 👍
Nick Clement
@stan It's there as the 3rd option Stan
Nick Clement
@stan So what would you suggest?
Nick Clement
@stan Good call. Thanks