Alex Iskold

Based Mobile: Social UI Kit for Sketch - UI Kit for feeds on iOS, Android and Web


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Joshua Tilton
Thanks for sharing this Alex!I started to work on Based Mobile to create a nice Symbol driven framework for mobile. With Based Mobile, I created a Bootstrap-eque system that stays close to native iOS and Android. My hope is that this provides a great starting point for Sketch users to quickly put together a great prototype for their apps. This can be a core template for starting social mobile apps. It comes in both light and dark versions. Based is ready for data! Change Symbols and content on the fly within the Symbols panel in Sketch. Easily swap out different states for each activity or combine different blocks and icons - the options are vast. You also don’t have to worry about content changing height- the AutoLayout plugin magically adjusts everything for you! Check it out:
PS: Make sure you have installed the San Francisco fonts Apple uses for iOS:
Wout Laban
@uijudo Ah sweet, was looking for the right fonts ;-) Thanks for the update.
Joshua Tilton
@woutlaban No problem! I should have included that bit of information in the Readme!
Wout Laban
Hey @uijudo great kit, thanks. I see you used a lot of the - by now - standard UI elements for a social feed. What do you think will be the next generation of user interactions in social feeds. Thinking about Instagram stories, live videos etc. What is key for a designer to keep in mind for the future?
Joshua Tilton
@woutlaban Right now, I think Flyr is absolutely crushing the next gen aspect of social. Watch them, they are going to be huge. I have plans for a version that is more on the cutting edge of social. I'll likely base it around music to have a nice theme. Thanks for your feedback!
Wout Laban
@uijudo Awesome, looking forward and will check them out for sure!
@woutlaban @uijudo you might also enjoy this blogpost:
Dan Moore
Solid design work from a solid tech team! I'd love to see a CSS/HTML UI Kit for this!
Joshua Tilton
@toobulkeh We are considering it!
Thomas Høgenhaven
This seems excellent at first glance. We are regularly building new products and features with activity feeds and streams - this is going to make the process way faster. Any plans to create a similar kit for Adobe XD? Thanks!
Joshua Tilton
@thogenhaven Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately I don't have any plans on porting it to Adobe XD right now. Maybe in the future as demand grows!
John Doherty
Passing this along to my wife who is a designer....
Joshua Tilton
@dohertyjf Thank you!
Love the work our designer Josh did on this one. The previous UI kit was featured on Product Hunt 9 months ago and got so much good feedback that we decided to do a mobile one focused purely on social. For reference here's the first UI kit: