
Tailwind Colors by GetEles β€” A collection of colors in Tailwind CSS

A free tool for Tailwind CSS color collections that supports multiple formats, transparency, and prefix settings, you can set different property values, click on the color block, and copy the color with one click.

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🎨 Tailwind Colors Tool: Simplifying Your Workflow! To help you quickly access and utilize colors from Tailwind CSS, we’ve launched the Tailwind Colors Tool! πŸš€ ✨ What Can This Tool Do? 1. Custom Prefixes πŸ› οΈ Set your desired prefix, such as "bg-". When you copy a color, the result will be "bg-amber-400", ready to paste directly into your code! 2. Multiple Formats 🎨 Choose the format that fits your needs: RGB 🌈 HEX 🟦 HSL 🌐 Tailwind Classes πŸ’‘ 3. Adjust Transparency 🌟 Fine-tune opacity levels to get the exact look you need. πŸ–±οΈ Once everything is set, just click on a color block, and the color will be copied instantly! It’s that simple! Start saving time and coding more efficiently with the Tailwind Colors Tool. ✨