Ruta Raju

Geopops - Let your discoveries pop!


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Ruta Raju
Download Geopops version: 1.0.2 & explore our channels. Most critical is your feedback & love, so that we can improve & grow.
Ruta Raju
Hi Hunters, Wouldn’t it be great if there were an easy and fast way to share your thoughts about a given location and then share them with your friends, your family and even the whole world? Now with Geopops, you can leave a video or photo note in a location and make it pop when friends, family or other users are in that zone. Geopops is fun and even a little addictive. Turn Your Smartphone Into a Fun Location Info Machine Get to know the various spots where you go. Geopops users infuse locations with their own insights so others can instantly learn what is new, interesting and amazing in a given location.