
🤖 Yes or No? Do you integrate AI into the products you launch on PH?


Why you find it important to integrate AI or why you choose not to do so.

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Ankit Srivastava
Yeah. My product does have the AI features. And I am launching it in a couple of days.
@ankit_srivastava5 great to know. Good luck with the launch. What kind of AI do you use?
Uladzislau Rymasheuski
I think the question to add or not to add can be solved pretty simple. If addition will make some added value than do it. Otherwise just a buzzword would not make a.product better :)
@rimash absolutely agree. And what about your product, do you integrate ai into it? And if yes, what added value it gives?
Niko Germish
I don't see any reason to launch new products without incorporating AI in this day and age
Maria Anosova 🔥
In the modern world, there is nowhere without ai
Daxeel Soni
If AI solves real problem for customers and that feature contrites to our revenue - then YES
@daxeelsoni and what customers’ problems AI can solve and can’t solve these days?
Daxeel Soni
@nastassia_k What I meant to say is that as a founder we need to analyze the use case of AI in our specific product and customers' needs. Based on that we can make decisions.
Tanzirul Huda
I am planning to launch Holoib( on PH but still have not integrated AI for it. Have a plan of course😅
@tanzirul_huda great product. And why do you want to add AI?
I think it can definitely add functionality and value to your product/service especially in certain sectors. I feel like everyone is trying to come up with that one great AI service that will be essential to life and just revolutionize our day to day; And of course, who wouldn't want to be a founder to that. That being said I think AI has so many other force multipliers such as search functions, auto-correction, image creation, accessibility aids, inventory control, etc., that people forget that their core product doesn't have to be the AI itself but can be improved on and made more efficient by AI inclusion into that product. You may be the best custom cello or violin maker in the world, but just use AI for your warehouse operations not the manufacturing of it. Overall, its hard to find a downside to its integration but I do see a trend of everyone trying to just "use" AI as a product itself and due to that we may see a lack of true innovation or invention.
Of course, this is a trend.
Sergei Anosov
Not yet;)
Victor Ferrer 🎈
If AI adds value to your end user, why shouldn't we use it?
@victorferrerbellver yep, this is the most important criteria :)
Launching soon!
I'm going all-in on AI integration and empowering AI for all my future products, just like this one 👉 Hope people are interested.
Neel Patel
@neelptl2602 what does AI bring into your project?
Artyom Sviridov
Yes! Our email builder, Blocks (, comes with AI capabilities for a more rich & priductive experience.
Alexander Ptitsyn
Of course.
Ada Chen
As a freshman, I will consider AI technology for the first time. The fact is AI will be Stable and better, so the value must be higher in the future. But now the results of AI are not 100% stable and accurate, we need to spend more time to decrease fault tolerance :)
Anish Sharma
If it reduce any repetitive task of Human Resource and provide any value to customer and us, then yes.
Yep, we totally went there – tried to shove AI into every nook and cranny, wherever it fit or didn’t. 😅 Realized soon enough that a lot of folks are kinda in the dark about where and how to actually use AI. Everyone knows some basic applications. Anyone else bumped into this? Inspired by this snag, we doubled down on crafting top-notch, well-supported GPTs. If you're into that and wanna back us up, check us out here -
@daryakhmetova Yes, as we work with AI, we consider that this magic wand is a cure for everyone. But so many people still know nothing about it.
zuhaib ashfaq
Would society accept me, if I say 'No'? 😂
Raju Singh
We are playing curation and unfortunately, AI is still a bit too stretchy, vague and uninteresting when it comes to specific curated information. We are beginning with AI but ensuring strong procedural intervention so that the information is clear and precise.
Daisy Do
It brings more traffic, because people's attentions are there. However, it also depends on what kind of value you would like to bring to your users. If AI cannot bring more values, it means nonsense to integrate it.