Ege Aybüke Kaya

Would you prefer to work remotely or in an office?


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Joyce Cabrera
I love working remotely. Though, I will admit that I miss the camaraderie and company of my peers, it still doesn't beat the flexibility that remote work gives me.
Sefa Sarıkaya
I prefer the hybrid method. Sometimes I go to the office and sometimes I'm at home. And sometimes I work from a coffeeshop. That's the best solution in my case :)
Jade Mackenzie
Both :) I love the balance and flexibility of the hybrid approach. I find it the best model for alignment, productivity, relationship building and wellbeing.
Pavel Kukhnavets
If you have a reliable team, stable workflows, and a powerful management tool, your remote work will be as pleasent as work in the office. Such solutions as Sllack, Basecamp, Trello or Wrike will assist you in planning and organizing your work in a professional manner. Another powerful software with task management and collaboration functionality is GanttPRO ( Highly recommended!
Shon Paunan
Both are fine. It's the matter of self discipline in terms of doing tasks