Aaron O'Leary

Will the changes at Twitter convince you to buy Twitter Blue


Recently Elon announced that starting next month only Twitter Blue subscribers will be eligible to be featured in the for you page and vote in polls. Will this convince you to buy Twitter Blue if you haven't already?

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Benjamin Schcolnik
I know that at the end, as it always happens, we will get used to it, but meanwhile, I don´t like at all the changes that are been made on Twitter.
Yes and No. I'll give it a try for a month and see if it's worth the cost. After I evaluated it, I'll give an definitive answer to that.
Mirena Vasileva
@felix_digistash Good point, I kind of did that with LinkedIn Premium
Mehdi Rifai
@mirena_vasileva what do you think about Linkedin Premium?
Aaron O'Leary
For me, I'd have to say no. I've made an effort to cut back on subscriptions I don't need / don't provide enough value, I don't care enough about the features or Twitter in general to buy it, so I'm considering just deleting instead.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
It actually made me by Twitter Blue. The main reasons were that without the blue your tweets weren't amplified as much. Also when you are playing the engagement game your tweets are priority which makes it easier for you to get impressions and hopefully followers..
Aaron O'Leary
@tunc_emran Interesting perspective! Did you find a big engagement increase?
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@mirena_vasileva pretty much. But keep in mind this is done to mess with the bots. Now ai tools can even pass captcha and the only way to get out of the trap is to make it very expensive for the bot handlers.
Mehdi Rifai
Short answer is no and I'm trying to get out of Twitter. I'm searching for a new engaged and large community built around thought sharing and that is on the upward trend. Any recommendations?
Aaron O'Leary
@mehdi_rifai I think more niche communities are about to have their moment in the spotlight.
Gail Gardner
@mehdi_rifai @aaronoleary The challenge is that there are already too many communities which fragment your potential audience in potentially dozens of places.
Mehdi Rifai
@aaronoleary @growmap the fragmentation makes it super hard to manage your audiences. We spend hours a day managing that
Chris Sarca
No, way too late for this and to be honest, Twitter never was too popular outside the US, not to mention all the drama and things you don't really want to be part of.
Aaron O'Leary
@chris_sarca I think for a lot of people, it's a productivity killer. I mean even if you zone in on the best timeline possible it still sucks you away from what's actually important.
Karan Phougat
I don't have a Twitter account. I have used the platform but don't particularly like it as I feel that it's more suitable for people who are already famous or atleast semi-famous or a business with a big market. (This is definitely in comparison with other SM)
@karanphougat Twitter is a platform that favors celebrities, but I think it's a great place for new accounts to start and grow. If you include keywords that people are curious about or search for a lot, you'll start to get some traction!
Rishabh R
Twitter blue might help you in reach, but it isn't a necessity to build a community around you
@rishabhravindran Have you ever used it to increase your initial reach? I'm curious to see how effective it is.
Mirena Vasileva
absolutely not worth it, all a massive scam just keep posting and stay true and consistent
Definitely NO!
Ayesha Kazi
While the call is strong, I believe your content should speak for your profile, blue tick or otherwise. So a no for me.
abdellah ijouiri
for me it doesn't do me any good so No I will not buy it
@aaronoleary I de-platformed from most social media - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram - three years ago. My life has been so much calmer and more productive since! I now choose where I put my online time and energy very carefully. I am new to Product Hunt, but I see you build great community. Thank You! No going back for me.
Even Elon Musk himself became active on Twitter only after his other businesses gained traction, which largely explains his views on social platforms if carefully considered.
Brad Brooks
Good God, no.
Abhinav Yadav
Maybe the answer would be yes if I were a bigger organisation or influencer. Twitter is designed for content/news generators.
Vlad Golub
I don't believe being featured in the for you page or voting in polls is worth the cost of a Twitter Blue subscription. Twitter should not limit features based on payment.
Richard Gao
I feel surprised to say yes. The main reason being that twitter is a large part of how we get customers for evoke-app.com, so more outreach is important
Gayatri Singh Faujdar
No. It didn’t
John Koo
I paid and registered the service just out of curiosity. I'm not sure about those features and the effectiveness of it on my account though