
Why is building in public so popular?

Why do people really care about the building process, where I believe the most interesting and hard part is starting a product and company?

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Arda Ertem
Mainly because there have been many successful examples of it during the last 5 years that positively impacted its popularity. What would be interesting is to have a research that compares build in public to stealth mode.
@arda_ertem I think this is a reasonable explanation. Not because it allows you to build some relationships with potential customers, but because there were a few success stories. Can anyone count the failure stories instead?
Arda Ertem
@atominte it is just how our brains work. Basic psychology :) We're building in public by the way but I believe founders should draw a reasonable line regarding the timeline. If it takes too long, it might start to lose its magic.
Arda Ertem
@atominte I wrote an article that explain the impact of BIP on pricing our early access plan for instance. I can't deny its effect.
Alex Robinson
There are a few reasons why building in public has become popular in recent years. First, it allows entrepreneurs to get feedback on their ideas early on and iterate based on that feedback. Second, it builds transparency and trust with potential customers, partners, and investors. Finally, it can help entrepreneurs to build a following and generate buzz around their product or service.
@alex_vidon_ai Building transparency can only work if your potential clients are developers. I believe that most eCommerce or video production customers do not read buildinpublic  threads. So it works only from devs to devs right?
@alex_vidon_ai @qudsia_ali I agree, but what if your potential customers are small business owners? The chances of building credibility and visibility with buildinpublic for such an audience is equal to zero.
Marko Balažic
There is good writing about it from PH founder somewhere, but I can't find it right away.
Scott Kosmach
It's a great way to stay accountable and hone your messaging and positioning. It's also a fantastic opportunity to build community and connect with other like-minded individuals in your industry which can lead to some valuable partnerships or future employees. Additionally, raising money becomes much easier when you have an engaged online following that is invested in what you're doing - VCs love To see social proof! Lastly, testing and validating your business model through publicly sharing progress or data findings helps give people confidence in what you're working on while also providing extremely useful feedback directly from your target market.
@skosmach Raising money – totally agree. Hard to agree about the communtity and customers. I shared it above; SMB owners or video producers do not read or participate in buildinpublic. It only works in devs community. Works perfect should agree.
Isaiah Trotter
I think it's helpful because it helps you detach from your product. When you release the buggy, crappy version of what you're making, you're able to see all its flaws more objectively. And that'll save you a heck of a lot of heartache down the road imo. I made an ellipse template on Kickstarter but didn't put it through any public scrutiny beforehand. It took me like half a year to realize that this thing wasn't really solving any problems lol.