I have some people in my life who I think see a SKYNET future, but many of them are influenced by what they THINK AI is versus what it actually is. I try my best to point them to informative resources so they can make more rounded-out conclusions!
@kia_hays As the line between science fiction and reality gets closer, being grounded in actual information and resources is so helpful! These conversations you're engaging in are so important and point us to continued dialogue about thoughtful and ethical uses and benefits of tech and innovation.
Most of the folks in my life are either in awe and excited about the potential applications, or at least curious. The only naysayers or more critical feedback (justified or not) has been in the media. Although, in my personal life, I did observe someone in a social group share about how they used an AI site to generate professional headshots. It was an interesting exchange because some of the creatives in the group pointed out how this will significantly hurt their business and careers as current/prospective customers will turn to cheap, quick solutions instead.
@brianna_swartz It's great to be open so we can be in awe, excited or at least curious - and then make sound decisions about what works best and how. And I hear the real fears of losing business. With progress, it seems there's always new opportunity for creatives to keep exploring how to use what's new to enhance our product offerings or efficiencies. It certainly keeps us all on our toes for new ways to use our skills and talents!
@bonnie_samotin Saw this and wanted to share:
“even as Epic’s new human animation tool will undoubtedly unlock new forms of creativity, there’s also the very real possibility that AI-powered, free-to-use game engines and the metaworlds they power will soon experience their own TIWWCHNC (“this is why we can’t have nice things”) moment.”
I am seeing more fear of being left behind, than fear of the technology itself. I think the other fear has been of the proliferation of false and fake content in politics and society.
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