- It starts the day before. You should prioritize the tasks that you want to do the next day
- Wake up early and do the most important thing as soon as possible
- Maintain the focus by using 50-10 Pomodoro. Full focus, full rest.
It works wonders for me. What do you think?
@olearningcurve agreed with the first 2 points.
If you are really in the zone, 50-10 pomodoro could be breaking focus, at least for me.
Instead, I track the time I am actually working down to the minute (started doing this in 2018) this way it is very clear exactly how much work I want to get done for the rest of the day.
I've recently started recording a voice message about how it went at the end of every workday and then copying the transcribed version to my weekly notion page. Surprisingly this tiny feedback loop helps a lot to reflect on what exactly I am doing and if I'm doing the right thing fo today
@alexey_ivanovsky1 I don't use Notion so not familiar if you could set this up with Notion AI, but I'd highly recommend taking that transcription, and then having a set prompt, or prompts you run against it that can help provide further analysis for you at a glance, and make comparisons over time, without you having to read through or think about the transcription too much yourself.
AI is great at rating things based on a set of guidelines. So it could even rate something like your mood/confidence over time, or the scale of your accomplishments/work completed.
- First off,Sleep is so crucial for me. I try to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep everyday, and it really helps me maintain focus throughout the rest of my day.
- I also try to go out for a walk in the mornings to get some. fresh air, and it helps me to set some clarity and focus for the rest of my day.
-Lastly, Prioritisation is key to get things done!
@aditi_rao1 10 hours??? Why do I feel like you have little more than 24 hours in your day hahahah!. I agree though. without a goodnight sleep. The next day is minimally productive.
I use pomodoro technique to focus during the day plus start the pressing task first I find this helps me get most out of my day and stay focussed during the day.
Just don't overdo it. If motivation is lacking i probably need a break. If motivation is at 100% i don't really need to maintain anything, because i can't stop being productive. If motivation is low i put my phone into "F**k off" mode, close Slack, stop checking emails, take a piece of paper and write down small and achievable tasks. If motivation is at 0% i close my laptop and do something else. No point in forcing it. It's better to just relax and come back strong.
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During the day, I periodically take breaks for physical activity, for example, for an exercise bike or a walk in the forest. This helps to relax, and then continue to work effectively.
Using the Pomodoro technique (25-5 so I can force myself to divide big tasks into sizeable ones). Also, I turn off my phone notifications when I need extra-concentration.
Keep a plan of the day's work in excel, usually do walks at regular intervals especially after lunch to avoid post-lunch laziness. I also like to listen to lo-fi or instrumental music if I am going for longer stretches of focussed work.
To maintain focus throughout my day, I employ methods such as setting specific goals with clear deadlines, breaking tasks into manageable chunks, using the Pomodoro Technique to establish work intervals, eliminating distractions by silencing notifications and creating a dedicated workspace, incorporating regular breaks to rest and rejuvenate, and staying hydrated and nourished with balanced meals and snacks.
I'm using Recast to read faster and learn in a more focused way without having to actually read. Great if you have ADHD or if you want to keep focused without being on a screen.
wake up at 5:30am, spend 1 hr on myself (meditation or workout), then start work day around 7am (before anyone else is in office). work for 2 hours. do my calls starting at 9am. starting at 11am, take intermittent breaks (usually a walk) for 15-30 mins before settling in to do more work. make sure i get enough sleep. i find that my most creative problem solving arises when i'm not actually in work mode.
To me it's not so much about what I do throughout the day but what I do when it starts. If I can do my morning routine I can stay hyper focused almost all day.
I wake up > read > journal > meditate > stretch > exercise > shower, and then I start work.
I started doing this a little over a year ago and it's been a game changer for me. It's not easy to stay consistent every single day but it's worth it 😊
- I maintain focus by using time blocking, prioritization technique. Creating a distraction-free workspace, practicing mindfulness, and taking regular breaks also help.
- Instead of multitasking, I focus on one task at a time. This allows me to give my full attention to the task and produce higher-quality results.
-Getting enough sleep contribute to my overall focus and productivity levels.
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