When it comes to the Workplace having a great Culture is essential.


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Justin Rhodes-Harrison
100%. it is arguably the lifeblood that fuels employee motivation and satisfaction
Daniel Tanque
Hi @jahiem28 A great culture is essential. But more important is the why. We all as individual have our own culture based on our habits, beliefs and tastes. To have more of what we desire we craft our habits toward those, we become disciplined to get more of what we praised, this can be socializing with friends, or watching a sport game, we enjoy because of the competition but also because it's a modus operandi of our community. Now let's think of a startup or a music band, normally to be a good one it requires having the same culture somehow, doesn't mean that everyone is equally thinking and doing the same thing, but when it comes to result/goals people within a culture they commit. Problem happens when there's a misalignment with culture (beliefs, habits,...) even more when it's a workplace with thousands of employees, the chain of command becomes too big to handle and requires culture (habits,beliefs, ways of operating,...) that make the organization work as one, but it requires equal consistency and support, being able to distribute task and each task is done fitting the other tasks being equally performed. Culture is important because shows the way to operate, without anyone telling how to do, or what to do, or why to do it. There are things to be improved, delivers to be made, how, with what and why it's up to the team and individual to understand, it's not about saying always yes, but being thoughtful based on one's sensibility to acknowledge if that is the way or not. Hope it helps ;)
Elena Tsemirava
I would say that great culture is essential not only for the workplace.
Atticus Li
A truly positive workplace culture goes beyond the surface, shaping everything from employee satisfaction to innovation. I believe it starts with thought leadership, authenticity, and intentionality.
Eva Lily
ya great culture
something which can't be ignored.
Anjali N
Great culture is essential everywhere, not only at work, in my opinion!
Yes, its very essential. But their are some peoples who does not take it seriously and they have busy to using their JTwhatsapp or different socail medias on their moblies.