When you have a new idea do you buy the domain straight away or wait a while? I tend to get the domain first hence why I have about 10 unused domains right now 😬
@syswarren Absolutely! Buying domain is so cheap but the excitement it creates when you buy it for an idea that you just had, is amazing! Its like butterflies in your stomach! 😅
Unlike everyone else. I buy a domain randomly when I am sad or down, same way my girlfriend buys a new dress when she's sad.
I know its not normal but I can't help it.
I buy the domain first. When I finish the project, AWESOME. When I don't finish the project, I unregister the domain, 'cause I am not a A-Hole domain hoarder. :)
Buying domain names is an addiction by itself for me haha I usually buy the domain when I come up with a good name. Sometimes that's the first thing, sometimes it takes a while
Marketing and branding first. I check the potential market and run a benchmark so I know what domain I can use. For example, I bought a domain for an association that takes care of elderly people. In the beginning, I just wanted to put the name of the association, but then I wasn't sure about the extension (.org, .fr...) because of its location. So we ran market research and based on the competition and what people searched on Google, we chose the domain that would work best.
The same as you ,indeed many ideas seem it's wonderful.It tells me that is a mistake when making those out .
Maybe we should cool down~ and think about it times .
I would recommend wait. I have bought domains thinking they were awesome only to realize a couple of weeks later that the domain actually sucked. As your idea matures also the naming will do, no rush to buy anything when you are just excited about the next "big" idea you had.
always have a stash of names in had as you work on your idea, if it a great idea and you can't shake it off go check which one is available and claim it
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