Archana Jha

What time of day do you find most productive for writing?


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Mei Ling Chen
For me, I find the early morning hours to be the most productive time for writing. There's something about the quiet stillness before the hustle and bustle of the day begins that allows me to really focus and tap into my creative flow. Perhaps it's the way the soft morning light filters in through the windows or the fact that my mind feels rested and refreshed after a good night's sleep. The most important thing is to experiment and identify the time of day when your motivation and mental acuity are at their highest.
Archana Jha
@caddly wow so beautifully described Morning where everyone wants to have and write there thoughs in words
Ted Schaefer
when creativity strikes! you can't let those moments go to waste ๐Ÿ˜„
Archana Jha
@sixbangs Yes, Creativity has no timing wherever you are, so do you write short or long format?
Ted Schaefer
@archanajha sure enough. mostly posting on X recently but i started a substack as well, we'll see if it goes anywhere. how about you?
I'm an evening person, but when it comes to creative writing, the morning is simply perfect. Fresh thoughts and rested eyes :D.
Archana Jha
@ebruabaz I do prefer writing in morning for better Brainstorming session when it comes about writing long format Notes
@archanajha totally agree. I've noticed that on a team level, brainstorming meetings for creative tasks is much more proactive when done before noon, in comparison to meeting after 3 PM, people tend to give fewer ideas and ways of execution.
Archana Jha
@ebruabaz Wow that's an Interesting Fact, Thank you ๐Ÿ˜€. I always have been doing Evening team Discussion on product growth, Now I should Try this hack too .
@archanajha I'm curious now, please let me know how it goes. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and energy.
Maurizio Isendoorn
I tend to write faster and more able in the late evening or night. Not sure why though
Maurizio Isendoorn
@archanajha I would prefer handwriting if I could write well, but my handwriting is absolutely not readable haha. So I always type, itโ€™s also way faster for me
Maurizio Isendoorn
@archanajha Ah great I'm not the only one haha. Plus when I write on paper I often write random letters inside a word that don't belong there. Really strange
Milli Sen
Mamadou Ndiong
Evening/Night. Quiet hours. No possibility for interruptions. Make it the last task for the day so there is no rush or other objective on your mind for the day. Because this works best for me, I write all the ideas and inspirations throughout the day on a notepad and revisit them at night.
Archana Jha
@mndiong That's awesome, I think I need to steal your routine and implement in my daily routine ๐Ÿ˜ so I can be in track too of my productivity
Ghost Kitty
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Archana Jha
@stain what type of writing do you do ?
Ayan Bandyopadhyay
Morning. Fewer distractions.
Wyatt Feaster
Morning with an empty stomach of caffine
For me, mornings tend to be the most productive time for writing.
Elena Tsemirava
The best time for me is morning
Morning - Writing Afternoon - Admin Evening - Marketing Night - Creative
angel william
I prefer writing when I am in good mood
Midnight something about the tranquility of those hours
Emily Harris
For me, the most productive time for writing is often in the morning, when my mind is fresh. However, it depends on my inspiration and schedule. I find that capturing ideas as they arise, regardless of the time, is essential. To boost my productivity further, I also use many tools like aithor to make my writing process easier. AI-based grammar checkers and productivity apps help me stay focused.
Archana Jha
@emily_harris It's great to hear about your productive writing routine! Many people find that their minds are freshest in the morning for creative tasks like writing. It's also smart to capture ideas whenever they come, no matter the time. Using tools like AI-based grammar checkers and productivity apps can definitely help streamline the writing process and keep you focused. What are some of your favorite writing topics ?
Marvin Mรคndle
Divakar Singh
I am a night person and I do not know my mind start working extra ordinary at night time but not much in day time. Some time it does but most exceptional works in night time, so yeah I am a night person
Archana Jha
@divakar_singh4u What type of writing do you prefer at night?
Divakar Singh
@archanajha Digital Marketing content for clients and businesses like- Blog content and social media, etc.