Muhammad Shoaib

What scares you most in life?


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Bilal Anwar
Failing in life is what scares me most. When I give my all to something and still feel like it’s not right, it makes me feel broken.
Tayyab Khalid
Bravery is fear redirected into action. When I find myself afraid, I tend to act. I apply solutions to problems and do my best to get to the bottom of things. If I fail, that's okay too.
Tayyab Ashraf
Courage is the ability to confront fear and adversity. When faced with a challenge, I use my fear as motivation to find solutions to problems and overcome obstacles. Doing nothing gives in to fear.
Ahtisham Ali
I’m most scared by failure in my life when I try my hardest but still feel like I’m failing.
Waqas Sarwar
Fear can be a powerful catalyst for bravery. By acting when I'm afraid, I put my fears to rest.
Noman Ilyas
Failure scares me the most when I give my all to a project, and still feel as if it were not enough.